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9.20.045 Third party removal prohibited. It is a violation of this chapter for any person, <br />except the person with the collection contract with the city, to remove solid waste, recycling and <br />organic waste from any location within the city. Excepted from this prohibition is: (A) a donation <br />of recyclable materials and/or organic waste when no fee is paid for removal of such materials; <br />(B) a donation of food for food recovery, meaning actions to collect and distribute food for <br />human consumption that otherwise would be disposed, or as otherwise defined in Title 14 Cal. <br />Code Regs. Section 18982(a)(24), in compliance with state, county and local laws and <br />regulations; (C) a contractor which removes solid waste, recyclables and/or organic waste using <br />the contractor's own employees from a project site where the solid waste, recycling and organic <br />waste was generated by that contractor; (D) a contractor which removes animal waste, animal <br />remains from slaughterhouses or butcher shops, grease and/or used cooking oil; and (E) a <br />contractor which removes solid waste, recyclables and/or organic waste from a public school, <br />county facility and/or federal facility. <br />9.20.050 Solid waste, recyclables and organic waste - Preparation. The city shall require <br />each and every person in possession, charge or control of any residential unit or commercial <br />facility where solid waste, recyclables and organic waste collection is required, to keep or cause <br />to be kept, all solid waste, recyclables and organic waste in suitable and sufficient watertight <br />carts or bins. <br />Such person, or designee, shall separate solid waste, recyclables and organic waste materials into <br />appropriate carts or bins that are specifically intended for the separate collection of solid waste, <br />recyclables and organic waste for the purpose of collection and processing. These carts or bins <br />shall be adequate to contain the amount of solid waste, recyclables and organic waste matter <br />ordinarily accumulating during the intervals between collections. All solid waste, recyclables and <br />organic waste shall be placed in said carts or bins, unless otherwise provided by ordinance, <br />agreement or resolution. Carts or bins shall be required to be kept in a sanitary condition by the <br />owner and shall be covered to prevent access of flies to the contents thereof. <br />9.20.060 Solid waste, recyclables and organic waste - Collection. <br />A. The city may make such regulations concerning the number and manner of <br />collections of solid waste, recyclables and organic waste as it may deem necessary to carry out <br />the provisions of this chapter, but in no case shall collection services less than once a week be <br />permitted. <br />B. Times and dates of collection shall be according to a schedule prepared by collector <br />and approved by the city. <br />9.20.070 Solid waste, recyclables and organic waste - Removal. <br />A. Unless otherwise provided in a collection contract entered into pursuant to Section <br />9.20.100, solid waste, recyclables and organic waste collected in the city shall be hauled in all - <br />steel -body motor trucks, and disposed or recycled in such a manner as not to be offensive to any <br />reasonable person, or create an unsanitary or filthy place, building or highway. The truck bodies <br />shall be constructed of sufficient strength to withstand fire within, without endangering adjacent <br />property. Such bodies shall be washed at least once a week, shall be kept well -painted, and <br />otherwise appear as neat as possible under the circumstances. All solid waste, recyclables and <br />organic waste in the truck shall be completely covered with suitable covering when hauling solid <br />