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(B) Assist in the dissemination of SB 1383 educational materials to <br />Single -Family and Commerical Business accounts. . <br />(C) At least annually and during new staff on -boarding, train Regulated <br />Hauler's customer service representatives and account <br />managers/recycling coordinators serving Organic Waste Generators <br />in Alameda County on the generator requirements set forth in <br />Sections 4 and 5 of this Ordinance, SB 1383 Regulations as they <br />may be revised from time to time and on resources available to assist <br />in compliance. Trainings may be in a virtual or in-person format. <br />(D) Where a Regulated Hauler provides Landfill Container collection <br />service, notify Single -Family and Commercial Business accounts <br />that (i) they must also be subscribed to Recycling Container <br />collection service and Compost Container collection service to <br />comply with this Ordinance, except if an applicable waiver has been <br />granted for the account, if an applicable waiver application has been <br />submitted and is under review for the account, or if the account has <br />an approved Certification of Recycling Service Form and (ii) that the <br />Regulated Hauler will inform the Member Agency if the account fails <br />to subscribe to a required collection service offered by the Regulated <br />Hauler. <br />(E) Provide quarterly reports to the WMA identifying Single -Family and <br />Commercial accounts that are subscribed to Landfill Container <br />collection service but that are not subscribed to Recycling Container <br />and/or Compost Container collection service. WMA shall provide this <br />information to the Member Agency. If a Regulated Hauler providing <br />Landfill Container collection service does not offer Recycling <br />Container Collection Service and/or Compost Container collection <br />service to its Landfill Container collection service customers, the <br />requirements of subsection (D) and (E) shall not apply with respect <br />to those customers and the type(s) of service that is not offered. <br />(F) Conduct or comply with Container Contamination minimization <br />efforts such as Route Reviews or waste evaluations. Inform <br />generators when Container Contamination is observed by the <br />Regulated Hauler. <br />(G) If requested by the Enforcement Agency, assist generators with <br />verification of physical space constraints when generator submits an <br />application for a physical space waiver. <br />(H) Provide Commercial Business accounts with interactive assistance <br />such as employee trainings, in a virtual or in-person format, when <br />Recycling Container collection service or Composting Container <br />collection service is added, or upon request. <br />-24- <br />