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consultation to the Enforcement Agency regarding existing, or proposed new or <br />expanded, Food Recovery capacity in a form that can be provided to or that can <br />be accessed by the WMA, Member Agencies, and Commercial Edible Food <br />Generators in Alameda County. A Food Recovery Service or Food Recovery <br />Organization contacted by the Enforcement Agency shall respond to such request <br />for information within 60 days, unless a shorter timeframe is otherwise specified <br />by the Enforcement Agency. <br />(f) The Enforcement Agency for the provisions of this Section 8 is Member Agency <br />and, if authorized by the Member Agency, the. WMA and any other Designee of the <br />Member Agency. <br />SECTION 9. REQUIREMENTS FOR REGULATED HAULERS AND <br />FACILITY OPERATORS <br />(a) Requirements for Regulated Haulers. <br />(1) A Regulated Hauler providing Single -Family, Commercial, or industrial <br />Organic Waste collection service to generators within Alameda County shall <br />meet the following requirements and standards in connection with collection <br />of Organic Waste: <br />(A) Through written notice to the Member Agency annually on or before <br />March 31, identify the facilities to which they will transport Organic <br />Waste including facilities for Source Separated Recyclable Materials <br />and Source Separated Compost Container Organic Waste. <br />(B) Transport Source Separated Recyclable Materials to a facility that <br />recycles those materials and transport Source Separated Compost <br />Container Organic Waste to a facility, operation, activity, or property <br />that recovers Organic Waste as defined in 14 CCR, Division 7, <br />Chapter 12, Article 2. <br />(C) Obtain approval from the Member Agency to haul Organic Waste, <br />unless it is transporting Source Separated Organic Waste to a <br />Community Composting site or lawfully transporting C&D in a <br />manner that complies with 14 CCR Section 18989.1, Section 13 of <br />this Ordinance, and any WMA and Member Agency rules. <br />(2) Within the boundaries of any Member Agency in which it has customers, a <br />Regulated Hauler collecting Organic Waste shall: <br />(A) Up to four times per year, provide reports to the WMA and Member <br />Agency on Commercial Business account information and service <br />levels in a form to be specified by the WMA. <br />-23- <br />