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Based on the above additional information and revised business proposal, the Planning <br /> Commission should determine whether the criteria for being a tenant space occupied by <br /> multiple uses per DSP LD-P.18 and PMC would be met. <br /> If the Planning Commission does not support a determination under DSP LD-P.18 and PMC <br /> to allow the proposed use based on its "multiple use" characteristics, then the <br /> only basis to allow for the proposed use would be for an exception to the Active Ground Floor <br /> requirements, under one of the three stated criteria in the PMC and DSP. Based on the <br /> information provided by the applicant, the tenant space was not vacant for at least six months <br /> before being occupied by the applicant and evidence of attempts to lease the space were not <br /> provided — thus the first criterion for granting an exception under PMC 18.81.040 cannot be <br /> met. Neither of the other two criteria would be met, based on the physical characteristics of the <br /> subject building. <br /> ALTERNATIVES <br /> As articulated above, it is staff's recommendation the Planning Commission consider the <br /> updated information provided by the applicant with respect to inclusion of a dedicated retail <br /> component of the business in addition to the personal service use within the tenant space and <br /> make a determination as to whether the criteria for being a tenant space occupied by multiple <br /> uses would be met. If the Planning Commission supports this determination, staff recommends <br /> the Planning Commission approve the appeal, thereby overturning the Director of Community <br /> Development's determination, based on the findings in Exhibit C. <br /> If the Planning Commission does not support a determination to allow the proposed use based <br /> on its multiple use characteristics, an exception to the Active Ground Floor requirements is <br /> required for a ground floor non-active use and staff recommends the Planning Commission <br /> deny the appeal, thereby upholding the Director of Community Development's determination, <br /> based on the findings in Exhibit A. <br /> Staff has prepared two resolutions, either of which could be adopted based on the Planning <br /> Commission's ultimate recommendation (see Exhibit A — Denying Appeal and Exhibit C — <br /> Granting Appeal). <br /> PUBLIC NOTICE <br /> Notices of this application were sent to surrounding property owners and tenants within a <br /> 1,000-foot radius of the site. Staff has provided the location and noticing map as Exhibit D for <br /> reference. At the time this report was published, four public comments were received by staff, <br /> all in support of requiring active ground floor uses on Main Street. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> This project is categorically exempt (Section 15301 , Class 1, Existing Facilities) from the <br /> requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Therefore, no environmental <br /> document accompanies this report. <br /> Primary Author: <br /> Melinda Denis, Planning and Permit Center Manager, 925-931-5631 or <br /> P21-0820, 560 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 9 of 9 <br /><br /> P21-0820, 560 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 6 of 9 <br />reet. The <br /> front building is a multi-tenant, one- and two-story structure with the two-story portion adjacent <br /> to Main Street, stepping down to one-story behind. The other building on the subject site is a <br /> one-story, single-tenant building. A private parking lot is located at the rear of the property and <br /> has seven parking spaces. The appellant's tenant space is located on the ground floor of the <br /> front building and the tenant space is approximately 1,065 square feet. Figures 1 and 2 below <br /> show an aerial photograph of the subject site and a street view of the Main Street frontage. <br /> The subject site is bordered on the north, east and west sides (across Main Street) by <br /> commercial and office uses and on the south by a parking lot. <br /> P21-0820, 560 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 9 <br />