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Conformance with Active Ground Floor Use Requirements <br /> As previously noted, the subject site is located in the C-C (Central Commercial), Active <br /> Ground-Floor Overlay District. Pursuant to the PMC, offices are not permitted on the ground <br /> floor when the property is in the Active Ground-Floor Overlay District within the C-C District <br /> and Downtown Specific Plan. <br /> The DSP and PMC Chapter 18.81 outline both the applicability of the active ground floor use <br /> requirements, and the procedure for granting exceptions to allow non-active ground floor uses. <br /> PMC 18.81.020: Applicability <br /> This district shall apply to all properties within the areas designated as active <br /> ground-floor overlay district within the downtown specific plan, except as modified by <br /> the following: <br /> A. The overlay shall not apply to tenant spaces with a storefront whose primary <br /> access is not from Main Street or another street designated with the overlay (as <br /> depicted in the Downtown Specific Plan Land Use Diagram). <br /> B. For buildings that have multiple tenant spaces, the requirements of the overlay <br /> shall only apply to the tenant spaces with frontage on Main Street or a street <br /> designated with the overlay (as depicted in the Downtown Specific Plan Land Use <br /> Diagram). <br /> C. For tenant spaces accommodating multiple uses, a minimum of the first <br /> 25-percent of the depth of tenant space (measured perpendicular to the façade <br /> fronting a designated active street) must be occupied with an active use. <br /> D. The overlay shall not apply to buildings containing banks or financial institutions <br /> existing as of the date of adoption of this chapter, and purpose-built for such uses. <br /> PMC 18.81.040 Procedure for Granting Exceptions. <br /> A. The director of community development or his/her designee may grant an <br /> exception to allow a non-active ground floor use within a tenant space or building, <br /> based on any of the following criteria: <br /> 1. The tenant space has been vacant for a period of at least six months. Evidence <br /> of attempts to lease space shall be provide to the director of community <br /> development upon request. <br /> 2. The configuration of the tenant space is such that it would have a storefront <br /> frontage of less than 10 feet (as determined by the director of community <br /> development) on a designated active street. <br /> 3. The tenant is located in an existing, purpose-built building containing a bank or <br /> financial institution as its primary tenant/occupant. <br /> P21-0820, 560 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 7 of 9 <br />ic viability. Staff believes the original proposal for a ground floor <br /> personal services use with ancillary retail sales (as submitted in May) is not consistent with the <br /> DSP policies and does not promote an active pedestrian environment similar to retail, <br /> restaurants or other establishments in the downtown. The updated proposal (as submitted in <br /> August) provides a dedicated retail area equivalent to 32-percent of the depth of tenant space, <br /> meeting the dimensional requirement specified in the DSP policies. <br /> P21-0820, 560 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 6 of 9 <br />reet. The <br /> front building is a multi-tenant, one- and two-story structure with the two-story portion adjacent <br /> to Main Street, stepping down to one-story behind. The other building on the subject site is a <br /> one-story, single-tenant building. A private parking lot is located at the rear of the property and <br /> has seven parking spaces. The appellant's tenant space is located on the ground floor of the <br /> front building and the tenant space is approximately 1,065 square feet. Figures 1 and 2 below <br /> show an aerial photograph of the subject site and a street view of the Main Street frontage. <br /> The subject site is bordered on the north, east and west sides (across Main Street) by <br /> commercial and office uses and on the south by a parking lot. <br /> P21-0820, 560 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 9 <br />