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Gaidos questioned the importance of following the same criteria. Ms. Clark responded that the <br />more competitive the project with respect to funding, particularly affordable projects, the better, <br />however, it was important to consider other planning principles such as location to amenities. <br />Commissioner Gaidos asked how many sites from previous cycles would be included in the <br />current cycle. Ms. Clark anticipated all but the AC by Marriott (previously Sheraton) hotel site <br />would be included. <br />Commissioner Allen asked if the criteria were primarily focused on high density sites. <br />Ms. Clark suggested a future policy discussion as to densities assumed for market and below <br />market rate units on each site will be forthcoming. She stated the majority of the sites would <br />likely be infill and higher density sites. <br />Commissioner Allen inquired about transportation and suggested emphasizing proximity to <br />transportation hubs, mentioning correspondence received in public comment and HCD <br />requirements. She questioned why Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), or freeway or bus stops <br />were treated equally. Ms. Clark explained the simplistic point system and criteria for BART and <br />bus, with no weighted system. Commissioner Allen discussed limited use of bus stops and <br />asked for data on ridership. She asked if the Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone <br />(JDEDZ) area would be considered as infill. Ms. Clark stated it would likely be considered infill <br />because it was existing developed land. <br />Commissioner Allen asked about Criteria 6a related to neighborhood compatibility and <br />increased building stories. Ms. Clark confirmed the assumption in the criteria that high density <br />would be three stories. <br />Commissioner Nibert thanked staff for its efforts throughout the process and for the <br />presentation. He discussed the scoring criteria and its intent to present a simplistic framework <br />to be used for site selection and asked its effectiveness. Ms. Clark reiterated the scoring was a <br />starting point, to be later complemented with considerations including public input, site <br />capacity, and characteristics. Commissioner Nibert inquired about potential sites that might be <br />attractive but not captured with scoring criteria and if more could be captured with enhanced <br />criteria. Ms. Clark discussed the Housing Commission's mention of additional criteria but <br />cautioned the Commission to consider limiting criteria to reduce complexity of reviewing <br />multiple sites. Commissioner Nibert suggested enhancing factors be noted for discussion <br />purpose. Ms. Clark anticipated the scores to be reported back with more analysis. <br />Commissioner Nibert asked about criteria excluded compared to the previous cycle, <br />particularly economic interest. Ms. Clark explained the criteria added by the Housing Element <br />Task Force for consideration of the potential fiscal impacts due to converting commercial sites <br />with freeway proximity. Commissioner Nibert asked about major criteria inconsistent with <br />General Plan themes which was not included in the current cycle. Ms. Clark explained that the <br />criteria as drafted reflected the guiding principles which reflect themes of the General Plan, <br />such as sustainability and character. She suggested additional considerations, including <br />General Plan policies for topics like aesthetics were details to be considered in the next round. <br />Commissioner Morgan asked if all sites of a specific size would be assessed whether or not <br />the owner was interested in selling the property. Ms. Clark explained that staff planned to start <br />with sites where there was known owner interest in housing. She stated GIS -based analysis <br />and underutilized commercial properties would be considered if needed. She stated many of <br />Excerpt: Draft Planning Commission Minutes, August 25, 2021 Page 2 of 7 <br />