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ATTACHMENT 2 <br />Site Evaluation <br />(tanking Criteria 4TH HOUSING ELEMENT CYCLE (2007-2014) <br />6/3/11 SITE SEL E.QJI N CRITEMA <br />Imo: 1 = Yes; 0 = No <br />Site <br />Kriteria for Initial Round of Eval ion <br />1. Infill <br />a. Site is an infill site <br />b. Site is not anticipated to require off-site sewer/water infrastructure <br />improvements <br />2. Proximity to Modes of Transportation <br />a. Site is within Y. mile of BART <br />b. Site is within % mile of BART <br />c. Site is within 113 mile of transit stop with 15 minute headway to BART <br />d. Site is within 1/3 mile of transit stop with 30 minute headway <br />e. Site is adjacent to bike route <br />f. Site is within Y mile of freeway on ramp <br />3. Proximity to Services and Amenities <br />a. Site is within''/: mile of an existing or approved grocery store <br />b. Site is within''/: mile of an existing elementary school <br />c. Site is within % mile of an existing middle school <br />d. Site is within % mile of an existing or planned park/open space <br />4. Impact on Future Residents <br />a. Site is not anticipated to have odor impacts <br />b. The project is anticipated to meet noise standards with no or with reasonable <br />mitigation measures (if adjacent to or across the street from freeway or rail line = <br />0) <br />c. The site is not within BAAQMD's air quality screening distance for new sensitive <br />receptors <br />d. The site is within the standard response time for emergency services <br />e. The site is outside geological and fire hazard areas <br />Site is not within Alquist Priolo zone or fault zone <br />Site is not within earthquake induced landslide zone _ <br />Site is not within Special Fire Protection Area <br />f. The site is outside a 300 -foot radius of an existing wireless facility <br />g. The site will be at least 150 feet from overhead portions of the 230 kV line and <br />at least 37.5 feet from underground portions of the 230 kV line <br />S. Height and Mass Compatibility <br />a. Will the project (assuming 3 stories) be no more than one story higher than all <br />adjacent residential development or all residential development across a <br />residential collector or local street <br />b. Will the FAR of the proposed project (assuming an FAR of 80%) be less than <br />twice of the allowable FAR for development on all adjacent sites (not including <br />parks) and sites across a residential collector or local street <br />c. Site is not adjacent to or across (a residential collector or local street) from an <br />existing single-family detached residential home(s) <br />EXHIBIT B <br />4th Housing Element Cycle (2007-2014) <br />Site Selection Criteria <br />Page 1 <br />