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4. Environmental Impacts/impact on Future Residents <br />a. Site would not expose future residents to odor impacts from any existing or known <br />future source. <br />b. The project is anticipated to meet noise standards with no or with reasonable <br />mitigation measures. (If adjacent to or across the street from freeway or rail line = <br />0) <br />c. Site is not within BAAQMD's air quality screening distance for new sensitive <br />receptors. <br />d. Site is within the standard response time for emergency services as identified by <br />the General Plan. <br />e. Site is outside of all of the following natural hazard areas. (0 if any apply) <br />• Site is not within Alquist Priolo zone or fault zone as identified in the General <br />Plan. <br />• Site is not within earthquake induced landslide zone as identified in the General <br />Plan. <br />• Site is not within a Special Fire Protection Area as identified in the General Plan. <br />• Site is not within a 100 -year Flood Zone. <br />5. Impact on Trees, Biological or Historic Resources <br />a. Site will not likely require significant tree removal or mitigation. <br />b. Site will not likely require an environmental analysis related to loss of suitable <br />habitat for, or the taking of, sensitive or special status species, or is unlikely to be <br />significantly constrained by the potential_ presence of sensitive habitat or species. <br />c. Site will not likely require an analysis related to impacts on historic resources. <br />6. Height and Mass Compatibility <br />a. The project (for higher -density housing sites, assuming three stories are proposed) <br />will be no more than one story higher than the average number of stories of all <br />adjacent residential development including residential development across a <br />residential collector or local street. (If not applicable=1) <br />b. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of the proposed project (for higher -density housing <br />sites, assuming an FAR of 80%) will be less than twice of the allowed midpoint <br />density FAR for development on all adjacent sites and sites across a residential <br />collector or local street (not including parks/designated open space.) (If not <br />applicable=1) <br />c. Site is not adjacent to or across (a residential collector or local street) from one or <br />more existing single-family detached residential homes. <br />7. Interest in Site <br />a. (For sites intended to accommodate housing at a density of 30 DUA or more) <br />Property owner/developer has expressed interest in the site for high density <br />residential development. (If not applicable=1) <br />b. Site or portion of site to be developed is vacant or underutilized. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Draft Scoring Criteria for 6th Cycle (2023-2031) Housing Element Update Sites <br />