AGFUO - Public comments provided to the Planning Commission for the July 28, 2021, meeting
<br />McNellis Partners I A Vaccine for Retail?
<br />1 oft
<br />htip://
<br />T McNeilis Partners
<br />A Vaccine for Retail'?
<br />Retail ha; the yirvs. dust as with people, d!tfererk retailer are reacting to this IrneCdon very dlnerentty. Ailing rnercharts n!thI comorbidities
<br />It sulrel'Inn—of 0'!og —w hi I e those kYlIhOLrt long-te!'rn Illnesses are symptomal.c. even rledIthy
<br />GCa'c>haClt,,r—toomarnrStores —Ila3beenhnerlcarlretail'; prim aI,, chronic conditionforciecades.In2011.Fon;eznoted,'SInre
<br />1995,t! I e ni+mner of ;hopDlny centers In the US Ilam ]town Iry rnere Man 2)1M and iha total gross leasable ar&t b)• almo R 30%• whl le die
<br />pupulallcal ric: grown by Iees Ulan 14%< W ordingto Forbes, Amenea ns: roughav 51; square feet of retail ;pace per capta while Europe
<br />I17s;u5t 2.5?ouele feet hye have too many' letallers selling 7-;e san e—;zt's ;all It sDJfl'— In every city In 111e counMe
<br />Where ; n rre wda', Fust, hear Reoilers thatyou tr10ugilL LWi yeala ago— nolaoly, Sears, J.C. Penney eno Kmart—will finally give up
<br />Ihf; rllm: l Tfwn, rdhrr• ,aihl hid mallaganenl Or 111-1 mu. -II t!ebl oroverwhrinrfnq 1 nmpcliliun Will alsi l [9s:�npre:n
<br />J.'. l f rsuir, f•NM, i7 R✓ In tris? COulYry WI!I he Currfon[0d 141tn d1 d ir1Igal: and '%Yaranc\-pmked shnl;pinq distkt- S this rf-ression tInnd9 on
<br />a:sr we next eaeral real_ mall's pulsevelli rafter Is there a cuff` NO, Tnefalhno rer+IlFrs wPrp. alrFAN nr th-Irvlay to the mtxqua; tha
<br />•4PJ': Iriere�y ha -toned iheir demise, IS mere a. vacclne that will help? `fes, and riot to flog dle medical metaphof, but mere IS a coca -tall of ciAr
<br />nelriecke> t'Iat, it f ripla!nerlted, wowd help stabilize retail
<br />'Fi l'r[ do fw Q,trl' Is- Cattily mLeic �i phr57F Lllut ;IY1W'U'erde a5 3 -,rtlubple,01 for pi'3lrlers ariu C'It1r council , In 7115 Conlext It means sLop
<br />_u: nnq mule it,I l Tl:c I:ct tldrg,rjng!iny mcrr:hunf: need i•, more Ca:r15eLltmn And gpien ttiu rim ddrindl, It ovoulo bo UOU:IIislir to
<br />_ =;uni- OU ota,l NO n: turn any tlrne aeon, if vV-i, to e=on a _ol r, ,u1n u::1ne 1th.d r, tacalrie•; off: cr by nisi LprlanLj. Cita; zunmg mule
<br />entail ere in danger r.i ❑eating pmt:=tit plight, :lorcfront: 11 fat w,W nE V.jr fill Tu yet l r.^:;d:y, nauil nec•Js Lu ^ra!nl, Ya a a-K[ain�ble s¢e—
<br />;�kr1i'•+Iti'n'lu'tlil-ffl W"ar;u Europa'. 7.iif--crIi, lr'.li ,l!IIhZr!
<br />6/1/2021,12:51 PM
<br />Distributed to City Council for the September 7, 2021, meeting Page 18
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