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Green Building Measures <br />The proposed home is more than 2,000 -square -feet in size and, therefore, is required to <br />comply with the City's Green Building Ordinance. As proposed, the project would exceed the <br />minimum points required for new homes; 66 points proposed when a minimum of 50 is <br />required by the PMC. <br />Noise <br />Noise levels with construction of one new single-family home will not change substantially from <br />those currently experienced in the area and would be required to conform with the City's noise <br />ordinance. Ambient noise levels could decrease for some of the adjacent properties due to the <br />shielding of traffic noise by the proposed fencing and building. Short-term construction noise <br />would be generated during any new construction. In residential neighborhoods, the City allows <br />construction hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Construction <br />equipment would be required to meet DMV noise standards and be equipped with muffling <br />devices. <br />PROJECT SITE ALTERNATIVES <br />As outlined in the above analysis, staff believes the projects density, development standards, <br />architecture, site design, and landscaping, as proposed and conditioned, would be compatible <br />with the other homes in the vicinity and not create adverse impacts, and recommends the <br />Planning Commission recommend approval of the project to the City Council as proposed and <br />conditioned. However, alternatives to the proposal that could be considered by the Planning <br />Commission include: <br />1. Recommend denial of the project to the City Council; or <br />2. Recommend approval of the PUD development plan with modifications. The Planning <br />Commission could recommend approval of the project with modifications to the <br />development standards, architecture, landscaping, or other site improvement changes. <br />Since staff believes the project will not adversely impact any properties or the surrounding <br />area, and the project has been designed to be compatible with the existing homes in the <br />neighborhood, staff recommends neither of the two project alternatives above be pursued. <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS <br />The Pleasanton Municipal Code Section 18.68.110 sets forth the purposes of the Planned Unit <br />Development District and considerations to be addressed in reviewing a PUD development <br />plan. These purposes and considerations are set forth in the draft Resolution included as <br />Exhibit A and includes whether the plan is in conformance with the City General Plan, in the <br />best interest of public health, safety, and general welfare, and whether the plan would be <br />compatible with developed properties in the vicinity. As described in Exhibit A and based on <br />the information and analysis provided in this Agenda Report, staff recommends the <br />Commission make the required findings to recommend approval of the project. <br />PUBLIC NOTICE <br />Notice of this application was sent to surrounding property owners and tenants within a <br />1,000 -foot radius of the site. At the time this report was published, staff had not received any <br />public comments. <br />PUD -141 & P21-0076, 2215 Martin Avenue Planning Commission <br />9of10 <br />