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1. Approval of the applications with an added element of timing for the sidewalk to <br />be completed along the project's frontage prior to occupancy of the new home on <br />Parcel A; and <br />2. City Council expedite work for 3520 Dennis Drive in conjunction with <br />development of the new home on Dennis Drive. <br />Timing requirements for constructing the sidewalk were added to condition of approval <br />Nos. 36 and 86 in Exhibit A of Attachment 1. See the Planning Commission agenda report, <br />Attachment 4, and the excerpted draft minutes of the July 14 Planning Commission <br />hearing (Attachment 5) for additional information. <br />After the Planning Commission meeting, staff connected with the property owners of <br />2207 and 2215 Martin Avenue to discuss whether they would consider completing the <br />frontage improvements for 3520 Dennis Drive as a part of their improvements (subject <br />to reimbursement of costs by the City), in order to expedite completion of the complete <br />sidewalk connection. While the property owners are not opposed to completing the work <br />for the neighboring property with their frontage improvements, with City reimbursement, <br />the three separate property owners are currently doing their due diligence prior to <br />formalizing any private agreements. If the property owners are not able to reach an <br />agreement, staff would propose to bring the frontage modifications for 3520 Dennis <br />Drive for City Council consideration as a CIP project in the next CIP update in 2022, <br />subject to budget approval by City Council. <br />SITE AND AREA DESCRIPTION <br />The subject property is a flat, 1.67 -acre site located between Martin Avenue and Dennis <br />Drive and is developed with an approximately 4,173 -square -foot two-story home with an <br />attached garage built in 1977 (see Figure 2). There are several mature trees clustered <br />in the center of the lot with established landscaping surrounding the existing home. <br />Single-family homes are located north, south, and west and Alameda Flood Control <br />property is located east, across Martin Avenue, of the subject site (see Figures 3 and 4). <br />Existing houses in the area are both one- and two-story and sited appropriately with <br />their respective lot size. <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />