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35. PARALLEL SANITARY SEWER LATERALS. According to Sheet 2 of the PUD plans <br />(Reference 2), a new lateral is proposed for Parcel 1 immediately adjacent to and parallel <br />with the existing lateral stub installed with Tract 6596 for Parcel 2. City Standard <br />Specification Section 11-03A.2 requires free working space along the sides of parallel <br />pipes of not less than 12" plus the diameter of the pipe. The centerline -to -centerline <br />separation must therefore be not less than 6" (half pipe) + 12" + 12" + 6" (half pipe) = 36" or <br />3' minimum. Since the Parcel 1 lateral will be very close to the common property line <br />separating Parcel 2 and the neighbor to the north, the design may need to incorporate <br />some angle fittings to allow the lateral to eventually align with the center of the proposed <br />10' -wide private utility easement. Project specific condition. <br />36. SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT. As indicated on Sheet 3 of the VTPM <br />(Reference 3), the Dennis Drive frontage must be fully developed including road widening <br />and dedication of public right-of-way and easement for public services prior to occupancy <br />of the new home on Parcel A. Said work shall be guaranteed by a Subdivision <br />Improvement Agreement drafted by the City Attorney with sufficient financial security to <br />assure completion of the required work by the subdivider. Project specific condition. <br />37. MONUMENTS. The Parcel Map shall include two survey monuments (iron pipe with cap) <br />where the proposed property line between Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 meets the north and <br />south property lines. In accordance with §66495-66497 of the California Government <br />Code, the Final Parcel Map must include sufficient durable survey monuments to allow the <br />subdivision to be retraced. Project specific condition. <br />38. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES FOR NEW HOUSE. All new utilities to serve the proposed <br />house shall be installed underground. Project specific condition. <br />39. UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING ON MARTIN AVENUE. The existing overhead joint pole <br />utilities along the Martin Avenue frontage shall either be placed underground by the <br />applicant, or the applicant shall deposit funds with the City in an amount proportional to the <br />applicant's share of the total cost of a future City -sponsored undergrounding project. The <br />existing joint pole utilities extend on the west side of Martin Avenue from south of Trenery <br />Drive to the northern cul-de-sac bulb. The applicant's contribution will be $55,560. Project <br />specific condition. <br />40. DESIGN PER CITY STANDARDS: All public improvements shall be designed in <br />compliance with the City Standard Specifications and Details in effect at the time of the <br />issuance of the encroachment, grading, or subdivision permit, whichever occurs first. <br />41. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval shall be depicted on a plan <br />sheet(s) in the improvement plans. <br />42. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT — DESIGN CERTIFICATION: The applicant shall <br />comply with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report. The applicant's <br />California licensed geotechnical engineer shall review and approve all foundation, <br />retaining walls, drainage and geotechnical aspects of the final grading and improvement <br />plans and shall certify on the plans or as otherwise acceptable to the Director of <br />PUD -140 & P21-0079 City Council <br />Page 7 of 15 <br />