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Silt resulting from erosion and other landscape debris shall be removed from sidewalks, <br /> gutters, and driveways. <br /> 2-05 Drainage Systems Maintenance <br /> A. All drainage systems on the properties for purposes of rainwater or irrigation <br /> water collection, whether surface swales, French drains, catch basins, dry wells, <br /> creeks, streams or underground pipes, shall be maintained in a clean condition <br /> free of debris, erosion waste,weeds or any blockage. Natural creeks and streams <br /> are not included. <br /> B. When a drainage system is blocked by debris from off the site or by erosion waste <br /> from off-site major storm damage, correction will be made by the City after <br /> prompt notification by the Contractor or considered "Additional Cost Work" as <br /> approved by the City. <br /> 2-06 Erosion Control <br /> The Contractor shall not be responsible for structural maintenance or repair or <br /> replacement of the following: parking areas, driveways, streets, or sidewalks except for <br /> such structural maintenance, repair or replacement resulting from damage caused by the <br /> Contractor or his agents. <br /> A. Erosion resulting from failure to maintain properly rooted plant material on <br /> slopes shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to correct and accomplish <br /> necessary cleanups. <br /> B.Erosion resulting from major storm damage that requires major slope reconstruction <br /> and/or installation of additional drainage facilities shall be the City's responsibility. <br /> 2-07 Pest and Disease Control <br /> The Contractor shall provide all pest and disease controls required, including rodent <br /> control. The Contractor must file a yearly schedule with the City for anticipated pest <br /> control work. This shall include herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, <br /> insecticides, as well as fertilization schedules. <br /> Contractor shall apply the principles of the City of Pleasanton's integrated pest <br /> management policy(IPM Policy) ("Attachment V") as part of a broader Integrated Pest <br /> Management strategy that gives an emphasis to cultural practices as a means to pest and <br /> disease control. Prior to any chemical application by Contractor,the Contractor must <br /> submit to the City a completed form detailing the chemicals to be used,the means of <br /> application (high pressure spray rig, backpack sprayer, etc.), quantities, area to be treated, <br /> and desired time of application. The City will respond to this submittal, if approved, with <br /> instructions as to the timing, and precautions for the requested application. Contractor <br /> must provide Safety Data sheets(SDS) for all chemicals proposed to be used and must <br /> receive approval prior to their use. SDS sheets plus data are to be updated annually. <br /> During the use or application of any chemical, special care must be exercised during such <br /> use in the vicinity of homes, near standing water, during windy conditions etc. In some <br /> cases, it may be necessary to apply chemicals during off hours or weekends. Particular <br /> care should be exercised to avoid applications at time or under conditions that would <br /> annoy or alarm homeowners. Pest control recommendation(s)must be available on-site <br /> during application of pesticides. <br /> Page 9 <br />