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Chair Brown stated a Commissioner could suggest a continuance. <br /> Commissioner Allen suggested the Commission decide on the first six months, then consider <br /> language on vacancy, and inform City Council that the Planning Commission would like to <br /> conduct further exploration around the process and permitted uses in the AGFUO after a six <br /> month vacancy period. <br /> Commissioner Gaidos concurred with Commissioner Allen's suggestion. <br /> Commissioner Allen moved to recommend approval of Cases P21-0636 and P21-0637 <br /> with modifications to: 1) require that the entirety of a tenant space subject to the Active <br /> Ground Floor Use Overlay (AGFUO) be occupied with an active use (i.e., remove the <br /> provision for multiple uses in a single tenant space, meaning that the entirety of a space <br /> be required to be occupied by an active use); and 2) clarify policies related to vacancy <br /> such that the language specifically indicates the vacancy as commencing at the end of <br /> a lease; and that all of the following measures be taken to show evidence of marketing <br /> to include a) posting of a leasing sign at the site, b) an active listing; c) other measures <br /> to demonstrate proactive marketing of the tenant space. <br /> Additionally, the Commission recommended that as a future discussion item, consider <br /> revising the Downtown Specific Plan to allow only an active use or a personal service <br /> business (e.g. barbershop or nail salon) to occupy ground floor tenant spaces after a <br /> six-month long vacancy, rather than any use whatsoever as is currently allowed. <br /> Commissioner Nibert asked about the proposed resolution. Chair Brown explained that staff <br /> would modify the resolution based on the Commission's motion. <br /> Commissioner Gaidos seconded the motion. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Allen, Brown, Gaidos, Nibert, and Pace <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> Excerpt: Approved Planning Commission Minutes, July 28, 2021 Page 6 of 6 <br /> L <br />