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Additionally, for multi-tenant spaces where there is a combination of an active and non- <br /> active use, the Director may request a dimensioned floor plan that identifies the leased <br /> square footage for each use, along with a copy of the lease agreement. The draft text in <br /> the PMC also indicates that the Director may request that the applicant provide other <br /> information in support of the application, if deemed necessary to demonstrate <br /> conformance with the policy and provisions of the code. <br /> • Fortenant spaces accommodating multiple uses, each use must obtain and maintain its <br /> own separate and individual business license. <br /> • For multi-use tenant spaces where there is an active use and a non-active use, signage <br /> must emphasize the active use such that the signage for the non-active use is clearly <br /> subordinate. <br /> PUBLIC NOTICE <br /> Notice of this application was sent to property owners and tenants subject to the AGFUO and <br /> parties who provided comments on this topic to-date. Direct outreach was also made to the <br /> Pleasanton Downtown Association, Chamber of Commerce. Written comments received as of <br /> the publication of this agenda report are included as Exhibit C. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> The proposed amendments to the DSP and PMC are exempt from the California <br /> Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), as it has <br /> been determined that the amendments will not cause a significant negative effect on the <br /> environment. The changes to the DSP and PMC will not intensify land uses, result in land use <br /> incompatibilities, or generate other unmitigated impacts beyond those that would result from <br /> the existing DSP and PMC. <br /> SUMMARY/CONCLUSION <br /> The proposed amendments to the DSP and PMC will clarify policies and text related to the <br /> AGFUO. Staff recommend consider the draft amendments and provide a recommendation to <br /> City Council. <br /> Primary Authors: Shweta Bonn, Senior Planner, 925-931-5611 or <br /> Reviewed/Approved By: <br /> Melinda Denis, Planning and Permit Center Manager <br /> Ellen Clark, Director of Community Development <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 5 of 5 <br />