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placed manholes or hatches above vaults or other facilities of Grantor that it may install from <br /> time to time within the property described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" hereto. <br /> Prior to the placement of such facilities, Grantor shall provide Grantee at least ten (10) working <br /> days written notice by transmitting plans of such facilities to Grantee. Grantor will meet with <br /> Grantee at Grantee's request to consider any of Grantee's concerns, and Grantor and Grantee <br /> shall work collaboratively to resolve such concerns. <br /> Grantee, prior to undertaking any significant modification to the roadway within the Easement <br /> Area, shall provide Grantor at least ten (10) working days written notice by transmitting plans <br /> of such modifications to Grantor. Grantee will meet with Grantor at Grantor's request to <br /> consider any of Grantor's concerns, and Grantee and Grantor shall work collaboratively to <br /> resolve such concerns. <br /> Grantee shall not assign the Easement rights herein conveyed to another without the express <br /> written permission of Grantor. However, Grantee may issue encroachment permits for the <br /> installation of underground public utilities within the property described in Exhibit "A" and <br /> depicted in Exhibit "B". Grantee and Grantor agree to collaboratively and expeditiously review <br /> encroachment permit applications within ten (10) working days after copies of such applications <br /> are provided by Grantee to Grantor. Maintenance of suitable separations from Grantor's facilities <br /> shall be required if feasible, and Grantee shall not issue an encroachment permit if said public <br /> utilities are proposed to extend within ten (10) horizontal feet or one (1) vertical foot of Grantor's <br /> then-existing facilities unless suitable protections are provided for those facilities of Grantor, as <br /> determined by Grantor. Any such encroachment permit issued by Grantee to allow public utilities <br /> to operate within the property described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" shall also <br /> require that such public utilities: (1) maintain and repair their facilities, and any damage to the <br /> roadway, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping or Grantor's facilities caused by the public utilities <br /> at their sole cost and expense; (2) utilize and maintain the property described in Exhibit "A" and <br /> depicted in Exhibit "B" in such a manner that there is no interference with the use by Grantor, <br /> including but not limited to facilities installed therein from time to time by Grantor; (3) defend <br /> Grantor against any and all liability,claims,damages,costs,or expenses in law or equity, including <br /> reasonable attorney's fees, claimed or alleged to have arisen from actions or failure to act by such <br /> public utilities; and (4) indemnify Grantor for any and all liability, claims, damages, costs, or <br /> expenses in law or equity, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from actions or failure to <br /> act by such public utilities. <br /> Grantee agrees upon completion of any of its construction hereunder to restore as near as possible <br /> the surface of the ground (other than paved roadways, and sidewalks, curbs, and gutters) to the <br /> condition in which it was prior to the commencement of said construction. <br /> This instrument shall run with the land and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the <br /> parties hereto. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />