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supervised by facility staff at all times. The exterior doors of the tenant space are conditioned <br /> to be closed except when being used. Based on this analysis, staff believes the proposed <br /> preschool would be compatible with the surrounding uses. <br /> Parking <br /> There are 432 on-site parking spaces shared amongst the tenants in Gateway Square <br /> Shopping Center. The overall parking ratio of the center is one parking space for every <br /> 200 square feet of floor area. Applying this parking ratio to the 2,828-square-foot tenant space, <br /> 14 parking spaces would theoretically be allocated to the tenant space. However, there are no <br /> assigned parking spaces in this shopping center. <br /> Per section 18.88.030 (E) (Schedule of off-street parking space requirements) of the <br /> Pleasanton Municipal Code (PMC), this type of use would require one parking space for each <br /> employee, including teachers and administrators, and one space for each four students in <br /> grade 10 or above. The student parking requirement, one space for each four students, is not <br /> applicable since the children are below grade 10. With 10 staff members, 10 parking spaces <br /> would be required for the proposed use. The PMC-required parking demand for this use would <br /> be satisfied by the 14 parking spaces "allocated" to this facility based on the total tenant <br /> square-footage. <br /> Staff notes that section 18.88.030 of the PMC does not address parking demand during drop- <br /> off/pick-up times, which would be the most impacted time from a parking standpoint. Staff <br /> concludes there would be adequate parking for drop-off/pick-up given the existing parent- <br /> organized carpool system would be continued to support the proposed heritage school <br /> program and the summer choir program. In discussion with the applicant regarding the parent- <br /> organized carpool, the applicant stated the current SMA program is supported by a very strong <br /> parent group who will continue to support the proposed heritage school and summer choir <br /> programs in terms of getting students to and from the programs. As such, based on the <br /> carpool arrangements, SMA programs would need 10 parking spaces during students' drop- <br /> off/pick-up, and a total of 14 parking spaces including teachers. In situations where a student <br /> needs to arrive later or leave earlier for personal reasons thus is unable to join the carpool, <br /> additional parking spaces may be needed. To ensure on-site parking in the shopping center <br /> could support the occasional needs of a few more parking spaces, SMA staff conducted a one- <br /> week parking count for the shopping center from January 13, 2020 to January 17, 2020 <br /> between 2-7:30 p.m. The parking counts showed an average of 54% of the parking spaces <br /> within the shopping center is available. As such, the existing on-site parking at the shopping <br /> center is adequate to support the proposed programs. Please see Exhibit B for the parking <br /> counts details. <br /> However, should operational issues with the parent-organized carpool system and parking <br /> problems occur, staff has included a condition of approval which allows the Director of <br /> Community Development to refer the use permit back to the Planning Commission for possible <br /> mitigation measures (Exhibit A) Possible mitigating conditions could include reducing the <br /> number of children, modifying the arrival/departure times, etc. <br /> Traffic and Circulation <br /> The subject site is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hopyard Road and <br /> Stoneridge Drive. Access to the site is provided from the west side of Chabot Drive, the north <br /> P20-0596, 4811 Hopyard Road, Suite G7 Planning Commission <br /> Page 6 of 8 <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br />ed to pay prevailing wages if City monies were <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 10 July 14, 2021 <br /> 2021 <br />