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Draft Redline Changes to Adopted PMC Attachment 2 to Resolution PC-2021-13 <br /> Draft changes are shown in strikethrough font(e.g., stikethreugh)and bold-underline font(e.g., bold underline) <br /> CHAPTER 18.08 DEFINITIONS <br /> 18.08.017 Active ground-floor uses <br /> "Active ground-floor uses" are those that promote an active pedestrian environment on the <br /> ground floor of a commercial building and attract walk-in customers. Active ground-floor <br /> uses and include retail establishments, restaurants, bars and brew pubs, art and craft studios, and <br /> other uses determined by the director of community development to be substantially similar to <br /> the foregoing or to have unique characteristics such that the objectives of the overlay district <br /> would be met. Active ground-floor uses do not include personal services. <br /> CHAPTER 18.81 ACTIVE GROUND-FLOOR OVERLAY DISTRICT <br /> 18.81.010 Purpose. <br /> In addition to the objectives prescribed in the underlying district, the active ground-floor overlay <br /> district is included in this title to achieve the following purposes: <br /> A. To provide a balanced physical environment conducive to pedestrian activity and a <br /> walkable street network; and <br /> B. To enable uses that support a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented experience throughout much of <br /> the day and evening and are a defining component of downtown Pleasanton. <br /> 18.81.020 Applicability. <br /> This district shall apply to all properties within the areas designated as active ground-floor <br /> overlay district within the downtown specific plan, except as modified by the following: <br /> A. The overlay shall not apply to tenant spaces with a storefront whose primary access is not <br /> from Main Street or another street designated with the overlay (as depicted in the Downtown <br /> Specific Plan Land Use Diagram). <br /> B. For buildings that have multiple tenant spaces, the requirements of the overlay shall only <br /> apply to the tenant spaces with frontage on Main Street or a street designated with the overlay (as <br /> depicted in the Downtown Specific Plan Land Use Diagram). <br /> C. For tenant spaces accommodating multiple uses, a minimum of the first 25 60-percent of <br /> the depth of tenant space (measured perpendicular to the façade fronting a designated active <br /> street) and 60 percent of the total square footage of the tenant space must be occupied with <br /> an active use. Both measurements shall be based on leasable square footage of the tenant <br /> space, as evidenced by the lease agreement or other agreement,which shall be provided to <br /> the director of community development upon request to verify compliance with this <br /> provision. A use within a multi-use space that is not an active use shall be located in the <br /> rear of the tenant space. <br /> D. The overlay shall not apply to buildings containing banks or financial institutions existing <br /> as of the date of adoption of this chapter, and purpose-built for such uses. <br /> Provided to Planning Commission on July 28, 2021 Attachment 2 to Resolution to PC-2021-13, Page 1 <br />nd 60% of the square footage, although a variety of other <br /> options also exist, such as 50% or 75%. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 5 <br /> for a <br /> vacant tenant space at 560 Main Street. Due to the non-active nature of the use, the Zoning Administrator denied <br /> the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />