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Adopted DSP Policies and PMC <br /> Comments and Modifications to AGFUO during DSP Update <br /> LD-P.17 Comments and Modifications during DSP Update <br /> This policy was first introduced as part of the public review draft dated November 2018. <br /> No substantive changes were made to this policy between the public review draft and the <br /> adopted version dated August 2019. <br /> LD-P.18, Active Ground Floor Use Requirements for Multi-Use Spaces <br /> Adopted DSP <br /> "For tenant spaces accommodating multiple uses, a minimum of the first 25 percent of <br /> the depth of tenant space (measured perpendicular to the façade fronting a designated <br /> active street) must be occupied with an active use. Exceptions to this requirement may <br /> be granted, in accordance with LD-P.19." <br /> Adopted PMC <br /> 18.81.020 Applicability <br /> C. For tenant spaces accommodating multiple uses, a minimum of the first 25-percent <br /> of the depth of tenant space (measured perpendicular to the façade fronting a designated <br /> active street) must be occupied with an active use. <br /> LD-P.18 Comments and Modifications during DSP Update <br /> This policy was included in the redline draft of the DSP Land Use chapter presented to <br /> the DSP Task Force on April 24, 2018. At this meeting, the Task Force provided <br /> unanimous support for this policy in response to a question specifically asking if the policy <br /> as written was acceptable. This policy was carried forward to the public review draft and <br /> the adopted DSP. <br /> LD-P.19, Exceptions to the Active Ground Floor Use Requirement <br /> Adopted DSP <br /> "The director of community development may grant an exception to the requirements of <br /> the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay district for uses meeting any of the following criteria: <br /> • The tenant space has been vacant for a period of at least 6 months. Evidence <br /> of attempts to lease space shall be provided to the director of community <br /> development upon request. <br /> • The configuration of the tenant space is such that it would have a storefront <br /> frontage of less than 10 feet (as determined by the director of community <br /> development) on a designated active street. <br /> • The tenant is located in an existing, purpose-built building containing a bank or <br /> financial institution as its primary tenant/occupant. <br /> Notice of the determination of the director of community development shall be provided to <br /> the Planning Commission, and any appeal of the decision shall be referred to the <br /> Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.44 of the PMC. In <br /> cases where an exception to the active ground floor use requirement is granted, the <br /> provisions of Chapter 18.120 of the PMC with respect to non-conforming uses shall not <br /> 2 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report(Attachment 2 to June 1 City Council agenda report) <br />t) <br />d caution against attempting to <br /> dictate specific aspects of business operation such as opening hours, staffing, nature of <br /> merchandise sold, and content of business signage, since it is not typical for the City to <br /> do so for any business when a permitted use, and subject only to a zoning verification, <br /> 5 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />erty Phase II Specific Plan <br /> and approve a financing plan for the potential relocation of the existing civic center. <br /> 2 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />