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Adopted DSP Policies and PMC ATTACHMENT 2 to June 1 <br /> Comments and Modifications to AGFUO during DSP Update City Council report <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Definition <br /> Adopted DSP <br /> "A use that promotes an active pedestrian environment on the ground floor of a <br /> commercial building, and includes retail establishments, restaurants, bars and brew pubs, <br /> art and crafts studios, and other uses determined by the director of community <br /> development to be substantially similar to the foregoing, or to have unique characteristics <br /> such that the objectives of the overlay district would be met." <br /> Adopted PMC <br /> 18.08.017 Active ground-floor uses <br /> "Active ground-floor uses" are those that promote an active pedestrian environment on <br /> the ground floor of a commercial building and include retail establishments, restaurants, <br /> bars and brew pubs, art and craft studios, and other uses determined by the director of <br /> community development to be substantially similar to the foregoing or to have unique <br /> characteristics such that the objectives of the overlay district would be met. Active <br /> ground-floor uses do not include personal services. <br /> Comments and Modifications during DSP Update <br /> The Task Force at its November 13, 2018, meeting questioned whether personal services <br /> (e.g., nail salons) should be added to the definition of"active." <br /> As part of the February 26, 2019, meeting, staff recommended to the Task Force to not <br /> include personal services as active uses; the Task Force concurred with this <br /> recommendation. The definition of"active uses" in the adopted DSP does not include <br /> personal services and the definition in the PMC specifically identifies personal services as <br /> not being active uses. <br /> LD-P.17, Active Ground Floor Use Requirements for Multi-Tenant Buildings <br /> Adopted DSP <br /> "For buildings that have multiple tenant spaces, apply the requirements of the Active <br /> Ground Floor Use Overlay to tenant spaces with frontage on Main Street, and certain <br /> streets within portions of the Mixed-Use-Downtown District"designated active streets." <br /> Exceptions to this requirement may be granted in accordance with LD-P.19." <br /> Adopted PMC <br /> 18.81.020 Applicability <br /> A. The overlay shall not apply to tenant spaces with a storefront whose primary <br /> access is not from Main Street or another street designated with the overlay (as depicted <br /> in the Downtown Specific Plan Land Use Diagram). <br /> B. For buildings that have multiple tenant spaces, the requirements of the overlay shall <br /> only apply to the tenant spaces with frontage on Main Street or a street designated with <br /> the overlay (as depicted in the Downtown Specific Plan Land Use Diagram). <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report(Attachment 2 to June 1 City Council agenda report) <br />d caution against attempting to <br /> dictate specific aspects of business operation such as opening hours, staffing, nature of <br /> merchandise sold, and content of business signage, since it is not typical for the City to <br /> do so for any business when a permitted use, and subject only to a zoning verification, <br /> 5 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />erty Phase II Specific Plan <br /> and approve a financing plan for the potential relocation of the existing civic center. <br /> 2 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />