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<br />78 <br />and charges sufficient to provide the required debt service coverage as well as pay for Member <br />and LAVWMA Maintenance and Operation Costs. <br /> <br />Among other matters, drought, general and local economic conditions and changes in law <br />and government regulations (including initiatives and moratoriums on growth) could adversely <br />affect the amount of Member Net Revenues realized by the Members and ultimately the ability of <br />the Members to pay the Payments. <br /> <br />Demand and Usage <br /> <br />There can be no assurance that the local demand for services provided by the Members <br />and LAVWMA will continue according to historical levels. Reduction in the level of demand could <br />require an increase in rates or charges in order to produce Member Net Revenues sufficient to <br />comply with the Members’ obligations under the Sewer Service Contract. Such rate increases <br />could increase the likelihood of nonpayment, and could also further decrease demand. <br /> <br />In addition, drought conditions and voluntary or mandatory conservation measures could <br />decrease usage of the services of the Members. Reduction in usage could require an increase <br />in rates or charges in order to produce Member Net Revenues sufficient to comply with the <br />Members’ obligations under the Sewer Service Contract. <br /> <br />Expenses <br /> <br />There can be no assurance that maintenance and operation expenses and capital <br />expenses, including those payment obligations arising as a result of the Members’ participation <br />in joint powers authorities or its shared ownership or capacity rights in facilities owned by other <br />local agencies, will be consistent with the levels described in this Official Statement. Changes in <br />technology, increases in the cost of energy or other expenses and increased regulatory <br />requirements would reduce LAVWMA Net Revenues or Member Net Revenues, and could require <br />substantial increases in rates or charges in order for Members to comply with their obligations <br />under the Sewer Service Contract. Such rate increases could increase the likelihood of <br />nonpayment, and could also decrease demand. <br /> <br />Earthquakes, Floods and Other Natural Disasters <br /> <br />Earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters could interrupt operation of the Members’ <br />Sewer Systems and the LAVWMA Enterprise and cause increased costs and thereby interrupt <br />the ability of the Members to realize Member Net Revenues sufficient to pay the Payments or <br />affect the LAVWMA Net Revenues. The Members are located in active seismic areas. The <br />Members are not obligated under the Sewer Service Contract to have earthquake or flood <br />insurance. <br /> <br />Set forth below is information about seismic, wildfire and flood-related conditions in the <br />jurisdictions of the Members. <br /> <br />Seismic. The area in which LAVWMA, DSRSD, Livermore and Pleasanton provide <br />service, like most regions in California, is an area of significant seismic activity, and therefore, is <br />subject to potentially destructive earthquakes. The following information about seismic risk in that <br />area is derived from the general plan documents for DSRSD, Livermore, Pleasanton and, where <br />indicated, the cities of Dublin and San Ramon. <br />