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<br />77 <br />The Members intend to continue complying with the provisions of Articles XIIIC and XIIID <br />and implementing legislation in connection with future rate increases, as such requirements may <br />be interpreted by state courts. <br /> <br />Conclusion. It is not possible to predict how courts will interpret Article XIIIC and Article <br />XIIID in future judicial decisions, and what, if any, further implementing legislation will be enacted. <br /> <br />Under the Bighorn case, local voters could adopt an initiative measure that reduces or <br />repeals the Members’ rates and charges, although it is not clear whether (and California courts <br />have not decided whether) any such reduction or repeal by initiative would be enforceable in a <br />situation in which such rates and charges are pledged to the repayment of bonds or other <br />indebtedness. <br /> <br />There can be no assurance that the courts will not further interpret, or the voters will not <br />amend, Article XIIIC and Article XIIID to limit the ability of local agencies to impose, levy, charge <br />and collect increased fees and charges for utility service, or to call into question previously <br />adopted utility rate increases. <br /> <br />Future Initiatives <br /> <br />Articles XIIIB, XIIIC and XIIID were adopted as measures that qualified for the ballot <br />pursuant to California’s initiative process. From time to time other initiatives could be proposed <br />and adopted affecting the Members’ revenues or ability to increase revenues. <br /> <br /> <br />RISK FACTORS <br /> <br />The following section describes certain risk factors affecting the payment of and security <br />for the 2021 Bonds. The following discussion of risks is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the <br />risks associated with the purchase of the 2021 Bonds and the order in which the matters are listed <br />does not necessarily reflect the relative importance of the various issues. Potential investors are <br />advised to consider the following factors, along with all other information in this Official Statement, <br />in evaluating the 2021 Bonds. There can be no assurance that other risk factors will not become <br />material in the future. <br /> <br />Potential Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic <br /> <br />The COVID-19 pandemic is materially adversely affecting the local, state and world <br />economies. None of LAVWMA or the Members can currently predict the extent or duration of the <br />outbreak or what ultimate impact it may have on their respective finances or operations. See <br />“COVID-19 PANDEMIC.” <br /> <br />General <br /> <br />The payment of principal of and interest on the 2021 Bonds is secured solely by a pledge <br />of LAVWMA Net Revenues to the extent necessary to pay debt service on the Bonds (consisting <br />principally of Payments of the Members made from Member Net Revenues) and certain funds <br />under the Indenture. The realization of LAVWMA Net Revenues is subject to, among other things, <br />the capabilities of management of LAVWMA and the Members, the ability of LAVWMA to provide <br />wastewater disposal service to Members, the ability of the Members to provide wastewater <br />services to their users, and the ability of the Members to establish and maintain wastewater fees