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Ordinance No.2217 <br />Page 26 <br />TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION - 925-931.5677 <br />113. PHASE 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (TlA) MITIGATION MEASURES: The applicant <br />shall comply with the mitigation measures identified in the project TlA, prepared by Fehr <br />& Peers dated March 2021, to the satisfaction of the City's Traffic Engineer. These <br />mitigation measures include the following Development Agreement provisions: <br />a. Construct a westbound buffered bike lane on Stoneridge Drive or alternate facility <br />if approved by the City's Traffic Engineer along the southern Property frontage <br />(Mitigation 1 in TIA). <br />b. Construct "cycle track" facility along the northern Property frontage that is <br />adjacent to Stoneridge Mall Road or alternate mixed-use path if approved by the <br />City's Traffic Engineer (Mitigation 2 in TIA).1. Developer shall provide a 1S-foot-wide Public Service Easement (PSE) to <br />allow for the construction and public use of the cycle track or mixed-use <br />Path.2. The cycle track shall include modifications at both adjacent intersections to <br />allow for safe access and egress. <br />c. Construct a mixed-use path along the east side of the property. (Mitigation 2 in <br />TrA). <br />d. Construct improvements at Stoneridge Mall Road and Genomics Place. <br />lmprovements include the conversion of the westbound through lane to a second <br />westbound left turn lane and conversion of the westbound right turn lane into a <br />through plus right lane. (Condition of Approval 2 in the TIA). (Projecf Specifib <br />Condition) <br />114 PHASE 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (TlA) MITIGATION MEASURES: The applicant <br />shall comply with the mitigation measures identified in the project TlA, prepared by Fehr <br />& Peers dated March 2021, to the satisfaction of the City's Traffic Engineer. These <br />mitigation measures include the following Development Agreement provisions: <br />a. Construct a traffic signal or bond for future signalization at the intersection of <br />Springdale Avenue and the Project driveway (Mitigation 3 in the TIA). <br />b. Construct the following improvements at the Stoneridge Drive and Springdale <br />Avenue intersection (Mitigation 4 in the TIA).1. Extend eastbound left turn pocket to provide a total of 200 feet of storage2. Convert the existing southbound lefVthrough combination lane to a <br />southbound left turn only lane.3. Convert the existing southbound right turn lane to a southbound <br />through/right combination lane.4. Modify northbound approach to allow simultaneous northbound and <br />southbound left turns. (Project Specific Condition) <br />115 Traffic/Parking Monitoring: lf the operation of this use results in conflicts/complaints <br />pertaining to parking and/or traffic/circulation, at the discretion of the Director of <br />Community Development, the applicant shall be required to provide existing parking and <br />employee counts to the City's Traffic Engineer for review. lf necessary, the City's Traffic <br />Engineer may require site and/or operational modifications, including additional parking, <br />to the use to mitigate any impacts. The applicant shall provide the requested information <br />to the City's Traffic Engineer within 30 days of any request. (Project Specdic <br />Condition)