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14. Public Hearing: Adopted and waived full reading of Resolution 21-1221 approving the City of <br />Pleasanton 2020 Draft Urban Water Management Plan, Draft Water Shortage Contingency Plan, and <br />Addendum to the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan Update <br />MOTION: lt was m/s by Arkin/Testa to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Motion passed <br />by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmembers Arkin, Balch, Narum, Testa, Mayor Brown <br />Noes: None <br />Absent: None <br />MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br />15. Public Comment - None <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br />17. Public Hearing: Review background and provide policy direction on the Active Ground Floor Use <br />Overlay in the Downtown Specific Plan <br />Senior Planner Shweta Bonn reported the 2019 DSP contains several policies regarding active ground <br />floor uses and defined the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay (AGFUO) as promoting an active <br />pedestrian environment including uses such as retail and restaurants. <br />Senior Planner Bonn explained that for multi{enant buildings the AGFUO applies to tenant spaces with <br />frontage on Main Street and/or areas like the Pleasanton Civic Center site. She advised that for multi- <br />use spaces a minimum of the first 25% of the depth of the space must be occupied by active use. She <br />noted this provision was the subject of a recent appeal to the Planning Commission and is the focus for <br />this item from prior City Council discussions. She noted there are exceptions to the AGFUO for a <br />vacancy of at least six months, the tenant space having less than 10 feet of storefront Main Street <br />frontage, or if the tenant in an existing purpose-built building with a bank or financial institution is its <br />primary tenant. <br />Senior Planner Bonn advised the February 2021 appealto the Planning Commission stemmed from the <br />applicant modifying their business plan to incorporate more retail, reaching the 25% threshold, with the <br />rest of the area being office space. She reported the Planning Commission upheld the applicant's <br />appeal but discussed the AGFUO policies and noted they did not think the policy's language was well- <br />articulated which makes it unclear and created this loophole. She noted the Commission questioned <br />whether a store-front display should be counted in the 25% and whether the threshold is adequate. <br />Senior Planner Bonn advised staff recommends making the active component occupy at least 60% of <br />the tenant's space to make it a majority of the usage and to ensure the non-acttve component be <br />located in the rear of the space so that it is not prominent or visible from the street. <br />She advised comments received for this meeting's discussion focused on the operation of an active- <br />use business, the protection of historic buildings, concerns about a downtown retail quota, and <br />concerns about overregulating downtown businesses. Direction from the City Council on this issue <br />would be taken back to the Planning Commission, Pleasanton Downtown Association, and Chamber of <br />Commerce for feedback. Staff would return to City Council with draft modifications to the DSP and <br />Pleasanton Municipal Code (PMC) for review and adoption. <br />ln response to Councilmember Arkin's inquiries, Director of Community Development Clark confirmed <br />they would like direction on whether display areas should count towards the active use space <br />City Council Minutes Page 3 of 10 June 1,2021