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preliminary review and modifications based on City staff's review of the design; and landscape <br /> plan and tree replacement. <br /> Father Niko Bekris, representing Greek Orthodox Church, provided comments regarding the <br /> project and mentioned the history of the church; current location; architecture to assist the <br /> worship, and positive contributions to the community. <br /> Angela Triantos provided her support related to the project and discussed her family's history <br /> in the City and benefits of the church in the community. <br /> Nora Chopelas provided her support related to the project and mentioned the community <br /> benefits of the church and partnerships with other organizations. <br /> Jim Vlamis provided his support related to the project and mentioned the church would <br /> enhance the community. He discussed other orthodox churches, limited traffic impacts and <br /> urged the Commission's approval. <br /> George Papageorge, marriage and family therapist, provided his support related to the project <br /> and mentioned the importance of ministry for youth and families. <br /> Tom Wright provided his support related to the project. <br /> Barbara Comstock provided her support related to the project and mentioned increased <br /> cultural and religious diversity in the City. <br /> Applicant Guy Houston provided closing remarks before the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> Discussion Point#1 <br /> 1 . Is the site appropriate for a church development? <br /> Commissioner Allen stated her initial position to likely have voted against the project but after <br /> reading the report and hearing the speakers, she thought it was appropriate as long as the <br /> rural aesthetic and traffic conditions were in place. <br /> Commissioner Gaidos agreed that it was appropriate for a church development. <br /> Commissioner Pace stated he believed the use was appropriate. <br /> Commissioner Ritter agreed with Commissioner Pace. <br /> Commissioner Nibert agreed with the other Commissioners. <br /> Chair Brown found the site appropriate for a church development and appreciated the design <br /> considerations. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 10 April 14, 2021 <br />