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by 1.0% and all other expenses were down 29.8% amounting to $1,304,896. She advised this leaves a <br />fund balance of $9,028,133 standing at a 13.7% increase from the April adjustments. She noted this <br />represents 67% of Operating Expenses nearly doubling the goal of 35%. <br />Finance Director Olson discussed the Golf Fund whose revenues dropped by 19.3% and expenses <br />dropped by 15.3% for a net of $8,585 which is 96% below the April revisions which were anticipated <br />due to the Shelter In Place Order. She advised these were balanced out to $0 through a $192,580 Golf <br />Fund replacement and withholding a $12,004 General Fund loan repayment. <br />Finance Director Olson discussed the Repair and Replacement Fund and noted revenues were up <br />$324,166 from the adjustments while net transfers increased $178,891. However, she noted <br />expenditures were $3,894,081 (45.1%) under the April revisions leaving the fund with an ending <br />balance of $4,039,356 (30.5% over the revised expectation). She advised the unspent expenditure <br />dollars stay in the fund and are available for future projects, several of which were postponed in FY <br />2019/20. Lastly, she advised the combined ending balance of the fund is about $24,000,000. <br />Finance Director Olson briefly presented the Retiree Medical Reserve Fund and highlighted a transfer <br />of $22,239,402 from the fund into the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Rate Stabilization <br />Fund. She advised the fund will only have the Section 115 Pension Trust Fund long-term investments <br />and noted it stands at $510,100. <br />Finance Director Olson detailed the next steps of issuing the Comprehensive Annual Fiscal Report <br />(CAFR) in December which will go to City Council for review in January or February of 2021. <br />In response to Councilmember Brown's inquiries, Finance Director Olson confirmed the lower <br />Recreational Services Expenses are reflected in the lower Contractual Services Expenses because <br />fewer personnel were hired to manage recreational activities. She also clarified Block Grants are listed <br />under inter -governmental and inter -fund. <br />In response to Councilmember Brown's inquiries, Finance Director Olson confirmed the decrease in <br />Golf and associated revenues such as concessions prohibits repayment of the General Fund from the <br />Golf Fund and the City must wait for the revenues to return to repay itself. <br />In response to Councilmember Brown's inquiries, Finance Director Olson clarified $22.2M transferred to <br />the PERS Rate Stabilization Fund was money the City always had but was sitting in a Medical Reserve. <br />She advised there is also a $20M short-term fund in the General Fund not included because the <br />Finance Committee can pull and add to it. She added that Other Post -Employment Benefit (OPEB) <br />Funds are used to pay other ongoing Retiree Medical Expenses which is all that remains in the Retiree <br />Medical Reserve Fund now because PERS has been removed from it. <br />In response to Councilmember Narum's inquiry, Finance Director Olson clarified the City is favorable <br />from estimates on Sales Taxes due to internet sales but they underestimated other categories for Sales <br />Tax Revenues as well in April. <br />In response to Councilmember Testa's inquiry, Finance Director Olson stated the Section 115 Pension <br />Fund did not perform well in the fourth quarter of FY 2019/20 but the City did not lose any of its <br />principal. City Manager Fialho added there is an accounting form for PERS Fund Investments included <br />in the packet the City Council received and as of November 30, 2020, there is a total balance of over <br />$41 million including the transfer from the Retiree Medical Fund into the Pension Trust. He reported <br />over the year, the short-term fund performance has been even with the downturn and stands at 5.6% <br />and the long-term earnings are 7.58%. Finance Director Olson added they have earned about $1.8 <br />million since June 30th as the PERS Fund now stands at about $24 million. <br />City Council Minutes Page 9 of 13 November 17, 2020 <br />