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90. TRAIL:The applicant shall provide payment to the City of Pleasanton for the construction and <br /> installation of trail improvements along Nevada Street to complete the gap in the Arroyo del <br /> Valle trail between the Valley Humane Society and the edge of the Fire Station property. Project <br /> applicant shall contribute$300,000 for the proposed trail. Payment to be made prior to issuance <br /> of building permits.The City reserves the right to reallocate the trail funds to other trail <br /> segments in the City as needed. PROJECT SPECIFIC CONDITION. <br /> 91. TRAIL MAINTENANCE: The applicant shall provide payment to the City of Pleasanton in the <br /> amount of$14,000 for five-years of trail maintenance for the trail section funded by this project <br /> The payment shall be made by the applicant prior to issuance of building permits. PROJECT <br /> SPECIFIC CONDITION. <br /> 92. SHADE TREES Specify shade trees per California Green Building Code Section 5.106.12. <br /> Shade trees shall be installed to provide shade over 50-percent of the new employee parking <br /> area near the office and at the back of the drive aisle exiting to Nevada Street(directly adjacent <br /> to the new planting area)within 15 years. Shade trees shall be installed to provide 20-percent of <br /> shade over the landscape and hardscape within 15-years. Please consult the Building Code for <br /> expectations. PROJECT SPECIFIC CONDITION. <br /> Trees <br /> 93. ROOT CONTROL BARRIER:The applicant shall provide root control barriers and 4-inch <br /> perforated pipe for all trees located within 8-feet of pavement or other hardscape, determined by <br /> the City Landscape Architect. Root barriers shall be located along the edge of the pavement <br /> wherever the tree is within 8-feet of pavement or hardscape. Information and details shall be <br /> included in the landscape plan submittal for review and approval by the Landscape Architecture <br /> Division <br /> TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION—925-931-5677 <br /> Traffic Control <br /> 94. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN(TCP):A comprehensive traffic control plan shall be submitted to <br /> the City Traffic Engineer for review and approval. Best management practices to minimize traffic <br /> impacts shall be used during construction, including scheduling of major truck trips and <br /> deliveries, to avoid peak travel hours.The TCP shall have proper lane closure procedures such <br /> as flagger stations, signage, cones, and other warning devices implemented during <br /> construction.The TCP shall also include time of day/hours of lane closures and total number of <br /> days. <br /> 95. TRUCK ROUTES:The haul route for all materials to and from the project site shall be reviewed <br /> and approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to building permit issuance and shall include the <br /> provision to monitor the street surfaces used for the haul route so that any damage and debris <br /> attributable to the haul trucks is identified and corrected at the expense of the applicant. <br /> 96. TRAFFIC SIGNAGE AND STRIPING—ON SITE:All on site traffic related signage and striping <br /> shall be included in the building permits plans for review and approval by the City Traffic <br /> Engineer prior to building permit issuance. <br /> 97 TRAFFIC SIGNAGE AND STRIPING—OFF SITE:All off site traffic related signage and striping <br /> shall be included in the improvement plans for review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer <br /> prior to permit issuance. <br /> P19-0128/P19-0129 City Council <br /> Page 15 of 16 <br />