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BACKGROUND <br /> The Utilities Division of the Operations Services Department is responsible for the repair <br /> and replacement of the City's utilities systems including the potable water, recycled <br /> water, sewer, and storm drain systems. For the water and recycled water systems, <br /> repair and replacement categories include service meters, service laterals, distribution <br /> piping and valving. For the sewer and storm drain systems, repair and replacement <br /> categories include collection piping and manholes. The repair and replacement program <br /> includes scheduled work to extend the life of systems and unscheduled repairs such as <br /> pipe breaks. <br /> Typically, most repair work is performed by the City's Utilities staff; however, in some <br /> cases the workload exceeds division capacity particularly with unscheduled work such <br /> multiple leaks or line breaks. Replacing a broken 12" water valve in Santa Rita Road is <br /> a recent example this type of work. The job required night work over several days which <br /> would have kept City crews from being able to respond to other system needs. In these <br /> cases, the City's contractor, West Valley has been a valuable and reliable partner as <br /> they have consistently accepted after hour, weekend, and emergency repair work. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> The yearly not-to-exceed amount for the West Valley contract has been $250,000. <br /> However, this year's response and operational changes due to COVID-19 has reduced <br /> the Utility Division's ability to complete normal levels of repair work. Consequently, staff <br /> has been redirecting more work to as-needed contractors. <br /> Based on the expected repair workload and uncertainties due to pandemic, staff is <br /> recommending amending the West Valley Construction contract by increasing the not- <br /> to-exceed amount from $250,000 to $400,000 for FY 2020/21. <br /> Submitted by Fiscal Review: Approved <br /> Kathleen Yurchak Tina Olson Nelson Fialho <br /> Director of Operations Director of Finance City Manager <br /> and Water Utilities <br /> Attachments: <br /> 1. First Amendment to Agreement with West Valley Construction Company, Inc. <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />