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Attachment 2 <br /> required to pay the fare but are not required to have a voucher of their own. <br /> Individual ride services are in operation five days per week, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to <br /> 5 PM, excluding the following holidays:New Year's Day,Martin Luther King Day,Presidents' <br /> Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day <br /> following Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day. <br /> B. Shuttle Service <br /> PPS also provides shuttle services to the Pleasanton Senior Center, shopping locations and <br /> designated medical facilities. This service will not be implemented on the first day of the <br /> contract but is planned for implementation at a time mutually agreed upon by CITY and <br /> CONTRACTOR. Scheduling of this service will be performed by the CONTRACTOR in <br /> consultation with the CITY. <br /> C. Other Service Components <br /> The CITY and the CONTRACTOR may develop other service components as new service needs <br /> are identified and as resources allow. If at such time new services are deemed benifical, both <br /> parties will meet and confer.New services may not be implemented until such time that there is <br /> mutual written agreement between both parties regarding the methods of service delivery and <br /> service costs. <br /> II. PEFORMANCE STANDARDS AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES <br /> The CONTRACTOR must provide services in a manner that will maximize productivity and <br /> customer service while minimizing expense to the CITY. The service standards and liquidated <br /> damages are described in the following chart. These are intended to be reasonably attainable by <br /> the CONTRACTOR, fair to the customer and consistent with the CITY's expectations. These <br /> shall be applied, and remain in effect, during the full term of the AGREEMENT. Representatives <br /> of the CONTRACTOR and the CITY will meet as needed to evaluate the system and performance <br /> based on these standards. In addition, the CONTRACTOR will submit monthly performance <br /> reports to the CITY providing information specified in Section VII. G. <br /> Should it be found that the CONTRACTOR's performance has contributed to the <br /> CONTRACTOR's failure to achieve these standards the CONTRACTOR will take all reasonable <br /> actions necessary to correct deficiencies. Should deficiencies in performance persist, the CITY <br /> may take whatever additional action is necessitated by the circumstances, including termination <br /> of the AGREEMENT. While it is expected that every effort will be made by the CONTRACTOR <br /> to comply with the standards described below at all times, none of the following liquidated <br /> damages shall apply during the"start-up"period (i.e., the first 30 days of the AGREEMENT). <br /> The CITY's decision with regard to the assessment of liquidated damages, based on the table <br /> below, is final and may not be appealed. <br /> If the standards and liquidated damages are not fulfilling their intended purpose, the CITY and <br /> CONTRACTOR may, by mutual agreement, make adjustments to the standards and liquidated <br /> damages. Prior to assessing liquidated damages, CITY shall give CONTRACTOR notice of its <br /> 21 Page <br />