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operating costs as they have not yet `scaled up' and thus need additional <br /> support. <br /> • Restaurants and retailers with 20 or less employees, to account for the larger <br /> number of part-time employees that work in these establishments. <br /> With this as the foundation, a $3 million special fund was created to provide zero- <br /> interest, unsecured, short-term loans of up to $2,500 — and $2,900 in downtown — to <br /> independently or locally-owned micro-enterprises, restaurants and retail businesses <br /> located in Pleasanton, to assist them in remaining solvent during the COVID-19 <br /> emergency. The loan funds may be used for operating capital including lease and <br /> mortgage payments and payroll toward retaining employees. <br /> To be eligible micro-enterprises, restaurants and retail businesses must have a physical <br /> restaurant or retail location in Pleasanton, have an active City of Pleasanton Business <br /> License as of March 1 , 2020 and be in good standing with the City. Businesses must <br /> submit supporting documentation demonstrating loss of revenue/income of greater than <br /> 25% due to COVID-19 and action taken to secure federal or state financial assistance. <br /> Since the Business Support Fund was launched on May 8, 2020, a total of 99 <br /> businesses have submitted applications. Of the 99 applications received, 82 businesses <br /> have been approved: 27 in downtown and 55 outside of downtown. Sixty-nine (69) <br /> businesses have provided their final loan documents and loans totaling $182,500 have <br /> been funded. Eleven (11) applications are pending required paperwork from the <br /> businesses and two businesses have declined the loan. Feedback to staff from some <br /> business owners was that the $2,500 (or $2,900) was not enough to meet their funding <br /> gap so they chose not to apply. <br /> A summary of application activity is as follows: <br /> Downtown Outside Total <br /> Downtown <br /> Applications Submitted 29 70 99 <br /> Applications Approved 27 55 82 <br /> Total Funding Approved $78,300 $137,600 $215,800 <br /> Applications Completed for Payout 25 44 69 <br /> Total Paid to Date $72,500 $110,000 $182,500 <br /> Businesses currently not eligible to request assistance through this fund include lending <br /> and investment institutions and insurance companies, non-profit entities, hotels, <br /> professional services, home-based businesses, and illegal or otherwise prohibited uses. <br /> Initially, approximately 1,100 businesses were identified that met the business type and <br /> size criteria. While the primary intent of the loan program was to provide relief to <br /> microbusinesses, restaurants and retailers, other business types have shown interest in <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br />