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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&ED <br /> The DPR is revised following circulation of the DED, consideration of public comments, <br /> and the selection of the Preferred Alternative. First submittal of the PR is prepared <br /> incorporating comment responses and revisions to the document in response to comments. <br /> Subtask 7.2.2-Second Project Report <br /> Comments are received from Caltrans and other agencies and incorporated into the PR, <br /> which is then submitted for final review. <br /> Subtask 7.2.3 -Project Report Approval <br /> Comments are received from Caltrans and other agencies and incorporated into the PR, <br /> which is then submitted to Caltrans for approval. <br /> Task 7:Deliverables <br /> • First Draft Project Report <br /> • Second Draft Project Report <br /> • Draft Project Report Approval(DPR) <br /> • First Project Report <br /> • Second Project Report <br /> • Project Report Approval <br /> TASK 8:ASSESS UTILITY IMPACTS <br /> Subtask 8.1 -Exceptions to Encroachment Policy <br /> CONSULTANT will identify realistic utility relocation options and associated capital <br /> costs. CONSULTANT will then coordinate with Caltrans,utility companies and other <br /> affected stakeholders to investigate alternatives to specific utility relocations. If tentative <br /> agreement is reached on maintaining specific utilities within state right of way, a draft <br /> exception to longitudinal encroachment of that facility will be prepared and processed <br /> through Caltrans. CONSULTANT will maintain a log of all correspondence for this <br /> study. <br /> Task 8:Deliverables <br /> • Exceptions to Longitudinal Encroachments of Utilities Memorandum <br /> TASK 9: RIGHT OF WAY SERVICES <br /> Subtask Right-of-Way Data Sheet <br /> CONSULTANT will analyze right of way impacts and prepare detailed cost estimates. <br /> The cost estimates will address potential property acquisition costs. The cost estimate <br /> deliverable will be provided in Caltrans Right of Way Data Sheet format. A draft Right of <br /> Way Data Sheet will be prepared for each of the alternatives. Upon submittal to Caltrans <br /> and receipt of comments, the Right of Way Data Sheet will be updated and finalized. <br /> Assumptions and limiting conditions will be incorporated into the estimate. The right of <br /> way cost estimate is not an appraisal and utilizes resources such as sales data and listings <br /> available in the market, field inspections and interviews with brokers and Assessor's <br /> information. These types of resources and investigations do not require interaction with <br /> owners and no owner or occupant contacts will be initiated. <br /> April 10,2020 27 <br />