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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&ED <br /> forecasts. The comparison is necessary to support this decision. <br /> 2.2.1 Check Validation of Base Year Model in Study Area. <br /> Through our travel demand forecast and operations work for the I-680 Express Lane <br /> Project, Fehr & Peers recognizes that capacity changes at the I-680/Sunol Boulevard <br /> interchange in Pleasanton could have a regional effect on travel patterns. First, the <br /> capacity changes would allow more efficient vehicle flow along the corridor, attracting <br /> drivers. Second, the capacity changes would deliver more traffic to and from the I-680 <br /> corridor,which in turn would change downstream freeway mainline traffic operations and <br /> potentially change the extent of peak period congestion through the study area. As such, <br /> the traffic forecast tool, and subsequent operations tools,must be broad enough to capture <br /> these sub-regional changes in travel patterns. <br /> Fehr&Peers will complete the following work under this task. <br /> 1. Check Validation of Base Year Model in the Study Area. Fehr&Peers shall perform a <br /> supplemental model recalibration and sub-area validation using the existing data <br /> collected for this project to ensure confidence in the model's results within the study <br /> area. Validation checks and model refinements will be made for the base year AM and <br /> PM peak periods. The sub-area validation will comply with Caltrans standards <br /> 2. Prepare Year 2040 Model Inputs. Available ABAG projections extend to the year 2040. <br /> The model road network will be reviewed to ensure that it accurately reflects the <br /> expected road system in the design year and the model land use will be confirmed with <br /> the cities of Dublin,Pleasanton and Livermore.Any changes to network or land use will <br /> be coordinated with Alameda CTC staff and Caltrans before proceeding. <br /> 3. Develop Design Year Traffic Forecasts. Using the year 2040 inputs described above, <br /> Fehr & Peers shall run the Alameda CTC model to establish traffic demand estimates <br /> for the year 2040. We will calculate the growth in link volumes projected by the model <br /> between the base year and year 2040, and add that growth to the existing volumes to <br /> determine year 2040 volumes for the AM and PM peak periods and balance the volumes <br /> as appropriate.Linear extrapolation of the existing conditions demand volumes and year <br /> 2040 volumes will be used to develop Design Year (assumed to be year 2045) traffic <br /> volumes. The resulting volumes will represent the No Build alternative. The model will <br /> then be modified to reflect the project and rerun to establish Build alternative forecasts. <br /> The overall traffic demand in the study area under the Build alternative is anticipated to <br /> be consistent across all build alternatives. Where possible, this analysis will rely on the <br /> previously completed I-680 Express Lane project forecasts. <br /> 4.Develop Opening Year Traffic Forecasts.Fehr&Peers shall work with the Project Team <br /> to define the opening year for analysis purposes and then develop opening year traffic <br /> volume forecasts for the AM and PM peak periods by applying linear interpolation <br /> between the existing volumes and the design year forecasts. <br /> As the assumed opening and design years for the I-680/Sunol Boulevard interchange <br /> project match the assumed opening and design years for the I-680 Express Lanes project <br /> (Year 2025 and Year 2045, respectively), the forecasts from the 1-680 Express Lanes <br /> project will be utilized for the I-680/Sunol Boulevard interchange project,where possible. <br /> Apri110,2020 7 <br />