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Section E-No change) <br />18.88.030 Schedule of Off-Street Parking Space Requirements: <br />[A through E-No Change) <br />F. Property Zoned C-C or O and in the Doxntoxn Revitalization District <br />1_All uses with the exception ofoffice uses on the ground floor oJ'nex buildines on sites <br />with frontaee on Mazn Street shall pror ide parkin or nay equivalent zn Izeu parkine fees at the <br />rate o one space /or each three hundred /300) square feet ofQross floor area Hoxei cr uses <br />xhzch lave lower arkin re uzrements as stated elsewhere in the Section ma rovide arkin <br />or pav equivalent in-lieu fees according to that lox er standard <br />2. O zce uses on the round loor o 'new buildin s xith ronta eon Main Street shall <br />provide parkine or pav equivalent in-lieu parking ees at the rate ofone space for each trio <br />hundred-/tfty /2501 square feet ofQross Roor area Such ofrce uses xhich are established <br />anytime wzthzn the first Fve vears ofthe building's occupancy including tenant spaces xhzch <br />convert rom non-office to office use within the zrst five vears of building occ:zpancy shall <br />prov zde the additional parkine or pav the zn-lieu fee based on the additional parking required for <br />o zce use. <br />18.88.70 Off-street parking facilities to serve one use <br />Off-street pazking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing off-street pazking <br />facilities for any other use, except as provided in Section 18.88.090, and extent that property <br />owners ma lease or rent excess parkine soaces on a site to other property owners wzthzn three <br />hundred /3001 feet ofthe site upon approval ofa use permit as provided for in Section 18 88 OSO <br />Excess parking soaces are those spaces which are over and aboi e the minimum required for the <br />use or uses on the site. The Plannm Commission shall den a use ermit to lease or rent excess <br />arkin s aces i it znds that the nature o the use or uses on the donor site re uires the use o <br />the excess parking spaces <br />18.88.090 Joint Use in C-C and C-S Districts. <br />A. Adjoining off-street pazking facilities serving uses on two or more sites in sepazate <br />ownership ' ' that provide shared parkine <br />through reciprocal parkin easements may provide parkine at the <br />rate ofone space for each 400 sguare feet o~ross Roor area where the Zoning Administrator <br />determines that pe~rvenent provision has been made for the joint development to function as a <br />single parking facility, all parts of which are accessible to each use served. Parking spaces in <br />such arkin lots shall not be resen~ed or desi nated or the use o an one business. Off-street <br />parking facilities provided in accord with this section shall be designated as prescribed in Section <br />18.88.130 of this chapter. <br />