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Ms. Fernades commented on services they have been providing and noted they have seen the <br /> need skyrocket. She indicated that Narika looks forward to working with staff to move forward. <br /> Mr. Galvan provided information and suggested Narika contact the Housing Authority of the County <br /> of Alameda to learn about their eligibility for vouchers. <br /> 4. Commissioner Soby questioned and Mr. Hernandez advised that carry-over funds had been <br /> included in the overall funding amount available. Commissioner Soby then questioned Abode <br /> Services on why they had not been able to utilize all of the prior funding they had received. Mr. <br /> Guteriez commented on the City of Pleasanton policy and a current more flexible change that will <br /> allow them to be able to use the funds they have requested. Commissioner Soby questioned that <br /> Abode feels confident they will now be able to use funds that they are being allocated. <br /> Commissioner Soby commented on the carry-over funding for Habitat for Humanity and questioned <br /> whether the agency was going to be able to hire contractors to complete the jobs and ultimately use <br /> the funds they receive. He was advised by Habitat that the current demand for services was not as <br /> high as the funding award but they anticipate the demand for services will increase with the <br /> additional promotion about the program. Ms. Gray commented on the differences between loans <br /> and grants. <br /> Commissioner Soby commented on his volunteer work with the Livermore Homeless Refuge and <br /> questioned whether the organization had contacted CityServe for help during this COVID-19 <br /> Pandemic. CityServe representative provided details about how they have been able to place <br /> people from the Refuge in local hotels. <br /> 5. Commissioner Welsh noted that she too volunteers at the Livermore Homeless Shelter. She <br /> noted that she was happy to learn that full funding was being recommended for the agencies, <br /> especially CityServe and REACH but felt the funding was inadequate during these difficult times. <br /> 6. Chairperson Gaidos thanked staff for their report and was pleased that the City Manager had <br /> approved a funding amount that would allow for the six agencies to receive the full funding amount <br /> they had requested. He thanked the agency representatives for their presentations and stated that <br /> he appreciated the response from Mr. Dolan with regard to the request submitted by Narika being <br /> twice the amount of all of the other requests, but liked the idea of providing housing for domestic <br /> violence victims and hopes that they will continue to work with staff and pursue funding. <br /> A motion was made by Chairperson Gaidos, seconded by Commissioner Kiziloglu, <br /> recommending approval of HOME and LIHF funds for FY 2020/21 HHSG projects as <br /> follows: <br /> $ 93,505.00 Abode Services /Tri-Valley Rapid Rehousing Program <br /> 54,695.00 Abode Services /Tenant-Based Rental Assistance <br /> 80,000.00 CityServe / Housing Grant for Homeless Street Outreach/Homelessness <br /> Prevent. <br /> 19,501.00 CRIL / Housing & Independent Living Services <br /> 40,000.00 ECHO Housing / Housing Counseling Services <br /> 128,000.00 Habitat for Humanity / Housing Rehabilitation Program <br /> 0.00 Narika / Pleasanton Transitional Housing Project <br /> 35,000.00 Tri-Valley REACH / Housing Preventative Maintenance/Repair <br /> $452,501.00 TOTAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATION <br /> Page - 4 - <br />