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In response to Councilmember Brown's inquiry, City Manager Fialho clarified the reason the item is <br /> before City Council is because it was identified as a priority and the City is trying to run the processes <br /> concurrently with the best timeline to demonstrate that the two processes merge. He advised if the City <br /> wants to accommodate any RHNA as part of East Pleasanton, it needs to accommodate the processes <br /> concurrently. He also noted City Council has it within its discretion to pause and let the Housing <br /> Element process unfold organically. <br /> Councilmember Brown stated she voted to put East Pleasanton into the two-year plan because she <br /> understood the RHNA number would be received by June 2020 to March 2021. <br /> In response to Mayor Thorne's inquiry, Community Development Director Clark clarified the zoning will <br /> remain on the land if no action is taken by City Council. She also clarified the City would need to look at <br /> the applications for light industrial if the developer insisted on bringing it forward. <br /> In response to Councilmember Brown's inquiry, Community Development Director Clark advised the <br /> City has provided comments and would continue to provide comments on housing proposals that come <br /> forward. <br /> In response to Councilmember Pentin's inquiry, City Attorney Dan Sodergren advised if a developer <br /> comes in with an industrial project for East Pleasanton, the City will need to process the application <br /> which would then be reviewed by City Council for approval. He advised the City Attorney would review <br /> any liability at that time. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum's inquiry, Community Development Director Clark clarified the <br /> date to submit a draft Housing Element continues to be August 2022 and the shortened timeline is <br /> concerning to staff. She also clarified the Planning Commission's process would need to be determined <br /> but could be handled in a number of ways including holding special meetings so they have enough <br /> bandwidth to address the important topics and allow discussion with the public. She further clarified if <br /> City Council gives staff the direction to proceed, a consultant would be hired to develop the process. <br /> City Manager Fialho reported the Planning Commission reserved one meeting per month outside of <br /> their regular calendar when leading the General Plan update and City Council followed suit and it <br /> provided two dates per month where the Planning Commission could operate independently or could <br /> convene with the City Council jointly. <br /> In response to Councilmember Testa's inquiry, City Manager Fialho advised the State cannot come in <br /> and plan East Pleasanton under current regulations and assuming no laws change. He also noted City <br /> Council will drive the land use alternatives discussion which is highly dependent on City Council <br /> direction and advised there is currently no base plan approved. <br /> In response to Councilmember Testa's inquiry, Community Development Director Clark clarified there is <br /> no current proposal for the developer to support staff services. She clarified the concept had been <br /> discussed but staff does not feel any funding support is necessary from Ponderosa Homes and would <br /> need to be approved by City Council. <br /> In response to Councilmember Testa's inquiry, City Manager Fialho advised it would be unusual to <br /> make meetings with Ponderosa Homes public but would be at the discretion of City Council. He also <br /> stated the City does not need to start the East Pleasanton plan process to accommodate the RHNA <br /> numbers but the consequence is that RHNA number assignments have to be distributed within <br /> properties that are inside the city limits of Pleasanton and a portion of East Pleasanton is outside the <br /> city limits. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 4 of 9 March 3. 2020 <br />