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Figure 1: Aerial Photograph <br /> a <br /> iib .'" w..,...., E <br /> lak <br /> .4. <br /> i b.: <br /> --,,,,„:...,1:: <br /> 4, '47 ';': ...,„: <br /> i- :„1 „.14:_i:h1:::11*-:, /74, . 1 ' ' +• <br /> t <br /> .-* 4*-'''...... - --..----' ' ,,,!'**/'''''''''''../"----;-4.:«. <br /> t <br /> ' 41,743014 t..,,. %, ,,‘.. <br /> p <br /> 11,4 <br /> e <br /> 1. <br /> ....?'.. .,...,:0P , f 411111 <br /> t- i .* • I 1. , <br /> , <br /> Figure 2: Street view of the subject tenant space <br /> :F <br /> .- . <br /> ‘ Y°P. <br /> i <br /> I <br /> M. , <br /> ff:► V' <br /> #, i i <br /> , r� <br /> 1$r * h <br /> TM r <br /> ” <br /> ..- "3 ', r ,�„sem <br /> P19-0431, 680 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 8 <br />ication processing and review including placement on the consent calendar of the first <br /> available Planning Commission agenda. Accordingly, the CUP application with recommended <br /> conditions of approval is before the Planning Commission for review and action, as a consent <br /> item. <br /> AREA AND SITE DESCRIPTION <br /> The subject site is located on the east side of Main Street between Spring and Division <br /> Streets. The site contains a multi-tenant building with four tenants: Oyo, a restaurant, located <br /> at 680 Main Street; Clover Creek, a furniture and gift shop, located at 670 Main Street; Keller <br /> Williams Realty, a real estate firm, located at 660 Main Street; and My Rock Style, a retail <br /> apparel store, located at 288 Spring Street. The subject tenant space is surrounded by New <br /> York Pizza to the north, Pleasanton Gas Station across Main Street to the west, Clover Creek <br /> to the south and a private parking lot with four parking spaces to the east. These parking <br /> spaces are available for the subject building's business owners and employees and not open <br /> for customers. Figures 1 through 3 below show an aerial photograph of the subject site, a <br /> street view of the subject tenant space and an enlarged street view of the tenant space. The <br /> nearest residences are located at 276 Spring Street, approximately 55 feet behind the subject <br /> tenant space, and there is a commercial/office/residential mixed-use project under construction <br /> at 273 Spring Street, which is approximately 72 feet from the subject tenant space. All other <br /> nearby residences are shown in Figure 4 below. All of the nearby residences noted above are <br /> in the Central Commercial Zoning District. <br /> P19-0431, 680 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 8 <br />the creek. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 of 13 January 22, 2020 <br />mmission to approve the plan, with <br /> whatever conditions may be set forth. <br /> Harold Roundtree, neighbor of the project, provided his support of the project, with the <br /> proposed five lots. <br /> Eron Bringhurst, Pleasanton resident and member of the Bringhurst family, stated the project <br /> would look consistent with the surrounding area. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 13 January 22, 2020 <br />ales need to be eliminated in order to <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 11 January 15, 2020 <br />