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required of Grantee under this Easement and Maintenance Agreement. Until that time, Grantee shall <br /> be solely responsible to perform all the maintenance required under this Easement and Maintenance <br /> Agreement. <br /> E. Condition No. 57 of the Conditions of Approval for Rezoning and for approval of <br /> PUD 58 (Ordinance 1942, the Stormwater Measures Inspection And Maintenance Agreement entered <br /> into by and between Declarant and the Grantor recorded in the Official Records of the County <br /> ("Stormwater Agreement"), the Wildland Fire Management Plan ("WFMP") and the Covenants, <br /> Conditions and Restrictions of Sun Meadowlark Estates recorded on **, 2020, in the Official Records <br /> of the County, State of California ("CC&RS") collectively require Grantee to maintain the <br /> Association Maintained Improvements including the Landscape Buffer Area, the Stormwater <br /> Treatment Facilities(including, but not limited to the Bio-Retention Basin, J Ditches and the Wetland <br /> Easement Area), collectively referred to as ("The Requirements") and to ensure that Lot Owners <br /> properly Maintain the landscaping situated on each respective Lot in accordance with the Project <br /> improvement plans approved by the Grantor. The Association Maintained Improvements are shown <br /> on the Association Maintained Improvements Exhibit (Exhibit "A" to the CC&Rs). The <br /> Requirements also require that Grantee enter into a recorded maintenance agreement with Grantor <br /> encumbering the Dominant Tenement. This Easement and Maintenance Agreement is intended to <br /> satisfy that requirement. This Easement and Maintenance Agreement shall run with the land and be <br /> binding on and benefit the Grantee,the Association and all successors and assigns as to any portion of <br /> the Project. <br /> F. All capitalized terms used herein that are not defined herein shall be as those terms are <br /> defined in the CC&Rs. <br /> G. The Recitals are made a part of this Easement and Maintenance Agreement. <br /> GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Easement <br /> and Maintenance Agreement,the parties agree as follows: <br /> 1. Grant of Easement. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee, its successors and assigns, <br /> including the Association, together with their respective agents, consultants, contractors, and other <br /> representatives a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress by personnel, vehicles and equipment, <br /> over, under, across and through Servient Tenement No. 1 and Servient Tenement No. 2, for the <br /> purpose of performing the maintenance required of Grantee pursuant to this Easement and <br /> Maintenance Agreement. <br /> 2. Maintenance Required of Grantee. Grantee, at its sole cost and expense shall <br /> Maintain the Association Maintained Improvements situated within Servient Tenement No.1, <br /> including but not limited to; the Stormwater Treatment Facilities consisting of the Bio-Retention <br /> Basin, outfall, associated piping and associated retaining wall in full compliance with these portions of <br /> The Requirements: the Stormwater Treatment Agreement, the Association Maintenance Manual and <br /> the CC&Rs. Grantee, at its sole cost and expense shall Maintain the Landscape Buffer Area(Servient <br /> 2 <br />