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Resolution No. PC-2003-20 <br />Page 4 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />Conditions of Approval <br />Case PCUP-83 <br />Carden West School <br />The location and operation of the proposed use shall conform substantially to <br />Exhibit A (the site plans, floor plans, and details of operation), dated "Received" <br />April 18, 2003, on file with the Planning Department, except as modified by these <br />conditions. <br />2. The school capacity for the 4444 and 4466 Black Avenue properties shall be <br />limited to 139 and 66 students, respectively. <br />The dismissal time for the kindergarten classes shall be changed from 3:00 p.m. to <br />2:45 p.m., or another time acceptable to the Planning Director. In the future, <br />should the Pleasanton School District change the dismissal times for the public <br />schools, the Planning Director may modify the dismissal times of the Carden <br />West School to help alleviate traffic congestion. <br />4. Drop-off/Pick-up of students shall only occur in the front parking lot on the <br />Lynnewood United Methodist Church property at 4444 Black Avenue or in the <br />parking spaces directly along the south or east side of the office building at 4466 <br />Black Avenue. The parking spaces in the rear parking lot on the Lynnewood <br />United Methodist Church property and on the west side of the 4466 Black Avenue <br />office building shall not be used for drop-off/pick-up of students at any time but <br />may be used for employee parking. At no time shall students be dropped- <br />off/picked-up within the office building drive aisles. The applicants shall <br />regularly inform parents of the school children of the parking and circulation <br />requirements stated in this condition. <br />5. If additional hours of operation or activities beyond that proposed in the details of <br />operation, dated "Received" April 18, 2003, on file with the Planning Department, <br />are desired, prior City review and approval is required. Such modifications shall <br />be submitted to the Planning Director, who shall refer the matter to the Planning <br />Commission if judged to be substantial. <br />If operation of this use results in conflicts pertaining to parking, interior or <br />exterior noise, traffic/circulation, or other factors, at the discretion on the Planning <br />Director, this conditional use permit may be submitted to the Planning <br />Commission for their subsequent review at a public hearing. If necessary, the <br />Commission may modify or add conditions of approval to mitigate such impacts, <br />or may revoke said conditional use permit. Possible mitigation measures can <br />include, but are not limited to: reducing the number of classes, students, or staff, <br />modifying the hours of operation, or other measures deemed necessary by the <br />Planning Commission. <br />