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Resolution No. PC-2003-14 <br />Page 5 <br />The use permit shall be effective for one year from the date approval by the <br />Planning Commission, at which time staff will review the operations of the teen <br />dances. Absent issues including, but not limited to, conflicts pertaining to <br />parking, noise, loitering, vandalism, unruly behavior, vehicle code violations on <br />nearby public streets, etc., the Planning Director may determine that the teen <br />dances may continue without a public hearing before the Planning Commission. <br />Otherwise, the Planning Director may refer the use permit back to the Planning <br />Commission for further review including new conditions of approval and, if <br />necessary, revocation of the use permit approval. <br />Before commencement of the dance season, the owners/operators of Masses shall <br />provide to the Planning Director and to the Police Chief the entire season's dance <br />schedule and a description of operations for review and approval. The season's <br />schedule shall be prominently displayed in Masses at all times along with a notice <br />that no adult events will be held on the days of the teen dances. <br />4. All previous conditions of Case PUD-81-22-7M and Case UP-96-37 shall remain <br />in full force and effect. <br />5. At no time shall balloons, banners, pennants, searchlights, or other attention- <br />getting devices be utilized on the site before and/or during the operation of the <br />teen dance. <br />6. Before the first dance, Masses shall secure a permit from the Chief of Police, City <br />of Pleasanton, for the dance season. The permit shall incorporate the <br />requirements of this conditional use permit approval and any additional <br />requirements determined to be necessary by the Police Chief. The applicant shall <br />adhere to the conditions and requirements of said permit at all times. <br />In the event that nuisances are created through the operation of the teen dances, <br />either by the dance patrons themselves within Masses or by the patrons in the <br />vicinity of Masses, including, but not limited to, conflicts pertaining to parking, <br />noise, unruly behavior, vandalism, vehicle code violations on nearby public <br />streets, etc., the Planning Director may refer the conditional use permit to the <br />Planning Commission for review at a public hearing. If necessary, the Planning <br />Commission may add additional conditions of approval or may revoke the <br />conditional use permit. <br />8. All entry/exit doors to Masses shall be required to be kept closed but not locked <br />during the operation of the teen dances. <br />9. The owner/operator of Masses shall maintain the area surrounding Masses, <br />including the nearby parking areas, in a clean and orderly manner at all times. <br />