Project Grant#: 19-31 Oakland Unified School District,OUSD Green Gloves Program Support,Oakland,West County,
<br /> $16,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to purchase supplies such as color coded bins,rolling carts,tandem dollies,trainable
<br /> dollies,color coded lids,clear liners,and child sized brooms with dust pans as well as provide incentives for the Food for Families
<br /> Volunteer Champion program.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-32 Nancy Deming,Replicable Green Gloves Alameda County Wide k-12 School Support,Oakland,West
<br /> County,$35,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to continue to provide technical service and support for school districts in
<br /> Alameda County to initiate,increase,and maintain their waste reduction and sorting programs.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-33 Food Shift,The Food Shift Kitchen,Berkeley,West County,$30,000.00-Funds from this grant will be
<br /> used to focus on the four main goals which are strengthen job training pathways,recover 200,000 pounds of food,smooth out peaks
<br /> and valleys in the revenue stream and capture data for all goals to facilitate infrastructure development.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-34 The East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse,Enriching Teachers with Supplies,Oakland,West County,
<br /> $42,985.00-Funds from this grant will be used to supply schools with free materials through regular in-store giveaways and three
<br /> special giveaway events throughout the year,plan and conduct twice monthly creative reuse workshops,expand the Green Educator
<br /> Program online,in store and throughout the bay area,encouragement more frequent participation and promote waste prevention and
<br /> diversion through reuse of materials.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-35 Acta Non Verba:Youth Urban Farm Project,ANV Organics&Recyclables Diversion Project
<br /> Oakland,West County,$18,500.00-Funds from this grant will be used to train a cohort of 10-13 program participants on waste
<br /> environmental effects,prevention,reuse and diversion.These participants will then take the lead on an organic waste diversion
<br /> program hosted at ANV Farm for the camps,partner schools and neighborhood.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-36 Berkeley Unified School District,Striving for Zero Waste Across Berkeley Unified School District,
<br /> Phae H,Berkeley,West County,$13,600.00-Funds from this grant will be used to purchase additional infrastructure,encourage
<br /> custodial involvement and engage students as a continuation of the first two phases of this project across the school district.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-37 Urban University,Single Moms at Work,Oakland,West County,$30,000.00-Funds from this grant will
<br /> be used to provide on the job training and coaching to 8 single mothers at Urban University's reuse social enterprise.Transitional
<br /> housing and individualized support services will also be provided to 3 single mothers and their children,totally 7 individuals.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-38 The Go Green Initiative,Free Online Tools for All Alameda County Schools,Pleasanton,East County,
<br /> $39,472.50-Funds from this grant will be used to create a region-specific tool for Alameda County to help comply with state law,
<br /> develop an online academy accessible to each district,create and foster environmental stewardship and leadership opportunities as
<br /> well as track and report performance waste diverted in each district.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-39 Emery Unified School District,Young Lionesses Green Team,Emeryville,West County,$10,000.00-
<br /> Funds from this grant will be used to help secure and stabilize EUSD's current waste program in the lunchroom as well as help the
<br /> district expand on a solid program,creating a foundation to save the district money in the long term.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-40 LVJUSD Campus Catering,Campus Catering District-Wide Food Recovery Program,Livermore,East
<br /> County,$5,664.00-Funds from this grant will be used to pay two nutrition services drivers an additional 2.5 hours per week each to
<br /> pick up the recovered food from each of the 17 sites and centralize all the rescued food from the kitchens and food share carts at the
<br /> Livermore Unified School District warehouse.This will help facilitate the process of donating the rescued food to food banks and
<br /> community partners.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-41 Mission San Jose ASB,Mission San Jose High School Compostable Utensil and Environmental
<br /> Education Initiative,Fremont,West County,$5,567.00-Funds from this grant will be used to replace plastic utensil kits,collect
<br /> concrete evidence and measure the impact of using compostable utensils at school cafeterias,encourage the Mission San Jose school
<br /> community to be more mindful of their environmental footprint,as well as educate and inspire elementary school students to live
<br /> greener lives and take action in their community.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-42 LVJUSD-Altamont Creek Elementary School,Livermore Green Schools Project Supplemental,
<br /> Livermore,East County,$5,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to develop a district wide approach to recycling education
<br /> and improve current waste separation practices,convene twice a year to identify and implement ways to meet the State goal and
<br /> concomitant State mandates,collaborate ways to develop school site strategies with sustainability consultants,design and incorporate
<br /> recycling education into classrooms and continue to make Altamont Creek Elementary School a model for the district.
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