Mini-Grant#: 19-17 Filljoy,LLC,Filljoy: A Better,plastic-free way to shop bulk groceries,Oakland,West County,$3,000.00
<br /> -Funds will be used to purchase 3 additional kiosk units that will be given to and installed at Alameda County grocery stores for free
<br /> to serve as beta testers.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-18 NorCal Resilience Network,Resiliency and the 4 R's,Berkeley,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be
<br /> used to introduce waste reduction activities to Resiliency Hub sites in Alameda County that include community gardens and farms,
<br /> neighborhood centers,homes and cooperative living sites.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-19 John Muir Green Team,John Muir's Waste RRC Program,Berkeley,West County,$2,800.00-Funds
<br /> will be used to develop a compost and recycling program for the classrooms and lunchroom.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-20 Sharma Environmental Consulting,Source Reduction-Pollution Prevention for Schools in Oakland
<br /> Unified School District,Fremont,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to provide consulting services and ensure
<br /> custodians,staff and students are following best practices.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-21 Sharma Environmental Consulting,Source Reduction-Pollution Prevention for Schools in Pleasanton
<br /> Unified School District,Fremont,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to provide consulting services and ensure
<br /> custodians,staff and students are following best practices.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-22 Sharma Environmental Consulting,Source Reduction-Pollution Prevention for Schools in San Ramon
<br /> Valley unified School District,Fremont,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to provide consulting services and ensure
<br /> custodians,staff and students are following best practices.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-23 Sylvia Mendez Elementary School PTA,Sylvia Mendez Waste Reduction,Berkeley,West County,
<br /> $3,000.00-Funds will be used to provide student green team and training programs,an assembly,Terracycle Zero Waste boxes,
<br /> reusable utensils for the PTA and a field trip to the City Recycling Center.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-24 LVJUSD-Altamont Creek Elementary,Recycle Game Materials,Livermore,East County,$3,000.00-
<br /> Funds will be used to purchase materials for recycling card games for students and adults to practice 3 bin sorting of photos school
<br /> lunchroom materials as a teaching aid.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-25 LVJUSD-Altamont,Smith,Lawrence Elementary Schools,LVJUSD Recycling& Lunch Sorting Lessons
<br /> in TK,K& 1st,Livermore,East County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to present and refine"in classroom"recycling and sorting
<br /> lessons to TK,K& 151 grade classrooms using clean lunchroom&classroom items to sort and practice with Recycling Game Posters
<br /> and Cards.Follow up lessons in the lunchroom will refine the"transfer"of practice.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-26 LVJUSD-Altamont Creek Elementary,LVJUSD Recycling Game Production,Livermore,East County,
<br /> $3,000.00-Funds will be used to produce game cards and posters for recycling sorting practice in schools and offices in LVJUSD.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-27 Rosa Parks Elementary,Rosa Parks Cafeteria Waste Reduction,Berkeley,West County,$2,469.00-
<br /> Funds will be used to fund a portable central waste station that is color coded by waste stream as well as funding for reusable stainless
<br /> steel cutlery sets that come in their own pouch.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 19-28 Homer JH,Countdown to Zero Waste,Fremont,West County,$1,500.00-Funds will be used to purchase
<br /> compostable silverware,napkins for a napkin dispenser and compostable yogurt parfait cups.
<br /> The total 2019 Expenditure Plan budget of$100,000 for Mini-Grants was approved by the Board along with the option to
<br /> carry over all unexpended funds from previous grant years and expend if necessary. A total of$77,038.50 in Mini-Grants was
<br /> approved.
<br /> Project Grants
<br /> The Education Advisory Board awarded 15 Project Grants to the following projects:
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-29 Paul Patterson,Waste/Manure Diversion and Conversion to Soil Amendments,Dublin,East County,
<br /> $25,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to divert 12 tons of leaves, 12 tons of herbivore manure,36 tons of green food wastes
<br /> and 20 tons of soils from the Altamont Landfill with the ultimate production goal of completing a minimum of 5 tons of finished soil
<br /> products per month.
<br /> Project Grant#: 19-30 Tri-City Volunteers,Food Waste Education,Fremont,West County,$18,000.00-Funds from this grant
<br /> will be used to increase program student capacity in providing students with work experiences that best explain the challenges,
<br /> changes needed and impact of food waste on the community and poverty-giving students the tools to share the learned information in
<br /> their community and therefore expanding the impact.
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