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Resolution No. PC-2003-01 <br />Page 7 <br />6. The project developer shall work with the Pleasanton Unified School District and the City <br />Planning Director to develop a program, in addition to the school impact fees required by State <br />law and local ordinance, to off-set this project's long-term effect on school facility needs in <br />Pleasanton. This program shall be designed to fund school facilities necessary to offset this <br />project's reasonably related effect on the long-term need for expanded school facilities to serve <br />new development in Pleasanton. The method and manner for the provision of these funds and/or <br />facilities shall be approved by the City and in place prior to approval of the final map. In no <br />event shall construction commence unless the above method and manner for the provision of <br />these funds and/or facilities has been approved by the City. <br />7. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project developer shall pay the applicable Zone 7 and <br />City connection fees and water meter cost for any water meters, including irrigation meters. <br />Additionally, the project developer shall pay any applicable Dublin San Ramon Services District <br />(DSRSD) sewer permit fee. <br />8. This development plan shall be of no further validity and the project developer shall be required <br />to submit the same or new development plan for City approval prior to development of the site in <br />the event that the project developer fails to record a final map within two years of this PUD <br />Development Plan approval. Portions of the development plan not covered by a final map within <br />two years will have the development plan lapse as to that portion of the project. <br />9. The project developer acknowledges that the City of Pleasanton does not guarantee the <br />availability of sufficient sewer capacity to serve this development by the approval of this case, <br />and that the project developer agrees and acknowledges that building permit approval may be <br />withheld if sewer capacity is found by the City not to be available. <br />10. This approval does not guarantee the availability of sufficient water to serve the project. The <br />City shall withhold building permits for the project if at the time building permits are applied for, <br />mandatory water rationing is in effect, unless the City has adopted a water offset program and <br />unless the project developer is participating in the program. Notwithstanding the project <br />developer's participation in such a program, the City may withhold building permits if the City <br />determines that sufficient water is not available at the time of application of building permits. <br />Planning Requirements: <br />11. The project developer or individual lot developers shall utilize "Green Building" practices in <br />constructing the new homes on this site. The project developer shall use their best efforts to <br />implement the measures identified in the Alameda County Waste Management Authority's New <br />Home Construction Green Building Guidelines in the design, construction, and operation of the <br />proposed homes. Before issuance of building permits, the project/lot developer shall submit to <br />City staff the green building provisions that would be incorporated into the proposed project's <br />construction. The project/lot developer shall then meet with City staff to review these <br />provisions. If, following this review, it appears that there are other feasible and mutually <br />agreeable green building measures that can be incorporated into the project, the project/lot <br />developer shall modify the project accordingly. Before issuance of a building permit, the green <br />building measures shall be explicitly called out on a separate sheet of the building permit plan set <br />and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director. <br />PUD-0/-IM, Conditions ofApprova! Page 7 of 19 January 8, 2003 <br />