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2. Whether the plan is consistent with the City's General Plan and any <br /> applicable specific plan: <br /> The Project conforms to the General Plan "Retail, Highway, and Service <br /> Commercial/Business and Professional Offices" Land Use designation for the <br /> subject parcel. The subject parcel is located on the north side of Owens Drive <br /> and is surrounded by commercial and office uses. The proposed project would <br /> be compatible the surrounding uses. The proposed floor area ratio (FAR) of <br /> 30.73% conforms to the 60% maximum FAR limit in the General Plan. The <br /> location is not located in a specific plan area. Therefore, the City Council finds <br /> the proposed Project is consistent with the City's General Plan. <br /> 3. Whether the plan is compatible with previously developed properties in the <br /> vicinity and the natural, topographic features of the site: <br /> The subject parcel is bordered by commercial and office uses. The Project would <br /> include restaurant and commercial uses similar to those in the surrounding area. <br /> Additionally, the new commercial building would have similar scale, massing and <br /> height as the existing buildings in the vicinity. The Project would be required to <br /> meet the City's Noise Ordinance. The proposed development would require <br /> limited grading for the construction of the buildings and other site improvements. <br /> Grading conducted on the site will be subject to engineering and building <br /> standards prior to any development. <br /> Therefore, the City Council finds that the Project is compatible with the previously <br /> developed properties and the natural, topographic features of the site. <br /> 4. Whether grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is <br /> designed in keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, <br /> slides, or flooding to have as minimal an effect upon the environment as <br /> possible. <br /> The site topography is generally flat. Grading for the Project would be limited to <br /> that required for preparation of the construction of the new commercial building <br /> and related site improvements. Erosion control and dust suppression measures <br /> will be documented in the building permit plans and will be administered by the <br /> City's Building and Safety Division and Engineering Department. The site is not <br /> located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. The flood hazard maps of <br /> the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) indicate that the subject <br /> property is not located within a 100-year flood zone. Therefore, the City Council <br /> finds that the Project properly takes into account the environmental <br /> characteristics of the site. <br />