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CITY OF PLEASANTON CLIMATE ACTION PLAN UPDATE <br /> gathering places like stores and transit stations.The strategy will include a list of goals,specific high-priority <br /> populations and stakeholders to target, an outline of general communication and outreach materials designed to reach <br /> these populations, and strategies and content for each outreach channel. <br /> Development of Communication and Outreach Toolkit <br /> To support this vision of flexible and dynamic public engagement and streamline the outreach process for City staff,we <br /> will create an outreach toolkit with a diverse range of strategies,tactics, tools,and messages that can be combined and <br /> customized to suit different audiences and goals. Our team is experienced in Community Based Social Marketing and <br /> will apply principles of this school of thought to develop all materials. <br /> We anticipate using a blend of the following materials and strategies, and have the capacity to translate or trans-create <br /> them into multiple languages: <br /> • Mailed letters and/or email listsery updates • Large sheets of butcher paper to allow for visually <br /> • Printed content to post at local businesses and creative responses such as drawings <br /> community spaces • Real-time surveys that participants complete from <br /> • Flyers distributed at businesses and/or events their phones to see instant response summaries <br /> • Social media and City website content • Structured in-person games to help participants <br /> convey priorities, ideas,or preferences <br /> • Online surveys and other platforms <br /> Hands-on Public Outreach Activities <br /> In addition to creating an outreach toolkit to support City-led public engagement,Cascadia is prepared to plan and <br /> directly facilitate outreach meetings and pop-up events, if requested by the City.Our budget includes comprehensive <br /> support for one communitywide outreach meeting(in addition to the five operational additional meetings listed in Task <br /> 14).This comprehensive support would include event marketing,agenda setting, logistics coordination,day-of support, <br /> and summarization of feedback received. <br /> Cascadia will also support implementation of an online survey to gather public input;we anticipate holding three <br /> rounds of surveys to share updates and allow for community feedback at key points throughout the project.We will <br /> prepare a memo documenting the survey process and metadata(e.g., questions asked, number of responses, <br /> demographics of participants)and highlighting key findings and common themes. <br /> Deliverables: <br /> • Draft and final community outreach plan and toolkit <br /> • Draft and final memorandum summarizing findings from online survey(s)and outreach meetings <br /> • Planning and execution of one public outreach meeting <br /> Task 3 — Evaluate GHG reduction progress <br /> Using the City's existing 2017 GHG inventory,the Cascadia team will track progress against the goals laid out in the <br /> 2012 CAP.This assessment will be useful in determining whether the City has been able to make meaningful reductions <br /> in the first five years since the existing CAP was created.We will complete a peer review and consistency analysis of the <br /> City of Pleasanton's existing GHG inventories and provide a memo outlining the City's progress on the 2020 GHG <br /> reduction targets. (Note:Rincon has completed dozens of GHG inventories throughout California and hundreds of GHG <br /> inventory audits for private sector clients as a CARB Accredited GHG Inventory Verifier. Based on this experience we are <br /> experts at evaluating GHG Inventories for consistency with protocols and emission factors and we commonly find <br /> inconsistencies between inventories.)Our team will conduct a thorough review of past methodologies and update the <br /> City's historic inventories to be consistent and comparable over time as needed. Once the review and update are <br /> completed,we will analyze the progress made over time in achieving the City's GHG emissions goals as well as CAP 1.0 <br /> C ASCADIA 4 <br />