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30 <br />shortest vehicle route from the signs. Not more than two off-site directional signs <br />shall indicate each use, and the area of the directional signs shall be subtracted <br />from the total business sign area permitted on the site on which they are located; <br />18.120.030 Alteration and addition. <br />A. No structures, the use of which is nonconforming, and no nonconforming sign, <br />shall be moved, altered or enlarged unless required by law, or unless the moving, <br />alteration or enlargement will result in the elimination of the nonconformity, except that a <br />structure housing a nonconforming residential use in an A, R, O, MU or C district may <br />be altered or enlarged, provided that the number of dwelling units is not increased. <br />18.120.040 Abandonment of nonconforming use. <br />Whenever a nonconforming use has been abandoned, discontinued, or changed to a <br />conforming use for a continuous period of 90 days or more, the nonconforming use shall <br />not be reestablished, and the use of the structure or site thereafter shall be in conformity <br />with the regulations for the district in which it is located; provided, that this section shall <br />not apply to nonconforming dwelling units. Abandonment or discontinuance shall <br />include cessation of a use regardless of intent to resume the use. This 90-day provision <br />shall not apply to a tenant where an exception to the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay <br />within the Downtown Specific Plan Area has been granted, and therefore once the use <br />for which the exception was granted is abandoned or discontinued, a new use shall <br />meet the requirements of the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay, unless another <br />exception is granted. <br />Resolution PC-2019-15