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27 <br />first five years of building occupancy, shall provide the additional parking or <br />pay the in lieu fee based on the additional parking required for office use. <br />18.88.050 Location. <br />A.In all districts except the C-C, MU and P districts, off-street parking facilities <br />prescribed in Section 18.88.030 of this chapter shall be located on the same site as <br />the use for which the spaces are required or on an adjoining site or a site separated <br />only by an alley from the use for which the spaces are required. <br />B.In a C-C, MU or P district, a use permit may be granted to permit off-street <br />parking facilities prescribed in Section 18.88.030 of this chapter to be separated <br />from the site of the use for which the spaces are required, if located within 300 feet <br />of the site, measured by the shortest route of pedestrian access, provided that the <br />planning commission shall find that the parking site is not in conflict with the <br />Pleasanton central district development plan adopted by the city council. (Prior <br />code § 2-9.18) <br />18.88.060 More than one use on site or adjoining site. <br />If more than one use is located on a site, on adjoining sites, or sites separated only by <br />an alley, and in the C-C, MU and P districts within 300 feet of the site, the number of <br />parking spaces provided shall be equal to the sum of the requirements prescribed in this <br />chapter for each use except that the total number of spaces may be reduced when the <br />hours of operation of at least two of the uses are discrete. “Discrete uses” are defined <br />as those which: <br />A.Are not in operation at the same time; and <br />B.The hours of operation are or may be controlled by conditional use permits; <br />and <br />C.The uses share the same off-street parking facility. <br />D.The total number of spaces otherwise required may be reduced by not more <br />than the parking requirement of the discrete use requiring the fewer parking <br />spaces. (Prior code § 2-9.19(1)) <br />18.88.090 Joint use in C-C, MU and C-S districts. <br />Adjoining off-street parking facilities serving uses on two or more sites in separate <br />ownership that provide shared parking through reciprocal parking easements may <br />provide parking at the rate of one space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area <br />where the zoning administrator determines that provision has been made for the joint <br />development to function as a single parking facility, all parts of which are accessible to <br />each use served. Parking spaces in such parking lots shall not be reserved or <br />designated for the use of any one business. Off-street parking facilities provided in <br />Resolution PC-2019-15