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We will have seven axe throwing lanes. Each lane accommodates up to 10 <br />participants. During peak hours we anticipate having approximately eight employees on- <br />site at a maximum depending on which model we use for coaches. <br />Safety: <br />Is axe throwing safe? Axe throwing venues pride themselves on maintaining <br />outstandingly low incident rates. Safety is paramount in the sport of axe throwing and a <br />major reason are the axe throwing coaches. <br />Axes —Each and every axe is inspected prior to each event to ensure the axe is up to <br />par. Participants are instructed to grip the axe by the handle and only the handle. <br />Coaches ensure the blades of the axes are sharp enough to hit AND stick to the target <br />but are not razor blade sharp to the touch. No broken axes are ever used. <br />Lanes —Each throwing area is designated as a throwing lane. Fences block this area <br />from the rest of the facility to keep throwers and axe all contained. Only the 2 throwers <br />and the axe throwing coach are allowed in inside the lane at one time. This includes <br />ensuring the area behind the throwers is clear. For safety reasons, participants are <br />instructed to throw and retrieve their axes in sync with one another. <br />Coaches —Coaches provide step-by-step direction from orientation, demonstrating how <br />to throw an axe, running tournaments to crowing the ultimate axe throwing champion. <br />These coaches monitor the overall safety of the event as well as provide personalized <br />coaching for the participants to be able to hit that bulls -eye. Axe venues use two <br />differently coaching models. One model has a coach per lane, and helps run the games <br />played. The other model there are "wandering coaches" which means one coach may <br />monitor several lanes. Depending on the event we will implement both models. With <br />either model coaches will cover the same demonstration, safety, basic intro etc., the <br />main difference being with the coach per lane model is the coach serves as score <br />keeper, and guides the participants in games rather than free -throwing. <br />Food 8� Beverage: <br />We will serve prepared food, as well as beer and wine. For menu items, we plan to do <br />soft pretzels with cheese, nacho bar with condiments, as well as packaged snacks <br />(popcorn, chips, nuts). A kitchen will not be required as all the food will be prepared with <br />plug-in countertop food warmers. Beer and wine will be served by the glass, can and or <br />bottle, in disposable glassware. Sinks, dishwashers, and keg taps will not be necessary. <br />Limitless Axe Lounge 3 <br />