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PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENTS <br />Notices of this application were sent to surrounding property owners and tenants within a <br />1,000 -foot radius of the site. Staff has provided the location and noticing map as Exhibit C for <br />reference. At the time this report was published, staff received four emails in opposition of the <br />project included in Exhibit D. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br />This project is categorically exempt (Section 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities) from the <br />requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Therefore, no environmental <br />document accompanies this report. <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION <br />As proposed and conditioned, staff believes that the proposed use will be compatible with and <br />will not detrimentally affect the existing or future adjacent/nearby uses or residences. <br />Conditions of approval have been included which will ensure that the safety and general <br />welfare of the surrounding area, and the City in general, is maintained. Staff believes that the <br />proposed use will fulfill a community need and that the proposed location is appropriate. <br />Primary Author: <br />Jennifer Hagen, Associate Planner, 925-931-5607 or ihaaen <br />Reviewed/Approved By: <br />Steve Otto, Senior Planner <br />Ellen Clark, Planning Manager <br />P19-0140, 1809 Santa Rita Road, Suite A and 8 Planning Commission <br />8of8 <br />