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Noise <br />The PMC states that a proposed conditional use must be in accordance with the objectives of <br />the Zoning Ordinance. One of those objectives is to "promote the stability of existing land uses <br />that conform with the General Plan and to protect them from inharmonious influences and <br />harmful intrusions." To help minimize noise impacts on adjacent tenants, the applicant is <br />proposing to modify Lanes 1, 2, 3, and 7 by adding an additional interior wall with <br />sound -attenuating insulation set in from the existing wall between the two tenant spaces. In <br />addition, all activities would be held indoors. Furthermore, the subject building does not contain <br />any operable windows, which will further reduce noise impacts on the surrounding area. To <br />further minimize any potential noise impacts, staff is recommending the following conditions of <br />approval: <br />The applicant shall keep all exterior doors of the building closed when not being used <br />for ingress/egress purposes; <br />The applicant shall inform all patrons to not loiter outside of the building and to be <br />courteous and quiet when entering or leaving the parking area; and <br />If the operation of this use results in conflicts pertaining to parking; noise, <br />traffic/circulation; or other factors, at the discretion of the Director of Community <br />Development, this conditional use permit may be submitted to the Planning Commission <br />for their subsequent review at a public hearing. If necessary, the Planning Commission <br />may modify or add conditions of approval to mitigate such impacts, or may revoke said <br />conditional use permit. <br />ALTERNATIVES <br />As articulated above, staff believes the use, as proposed and conditioned, is consistent with <br />the objectives of the zoning district. However, alternatives to the proposal that could be <br />considered by the Planning Commission include: <br />1. Denial of the application. Such an action would preclude the applicant from occupying <br />the subject site and conducting the specified activities; or <br />2. Approval of the CUP with modifications. The Planning Commission could approve the <br />CUP, but with fewer patrons, with modified hours of operation, or other changes to the <br />proposal. <br />Since staff is able to support the findings to approve the project, as proposed, and believes the <br />project will not adversely impact any existing uses or the surrounding area, staff suggests that <br />neither of the two project alternatives above should be pursued. <br />SUMMARY OF PROS/CONS OF PROJECT <br />PROS <br />CONS <br />Use is consistent with the General Plan and <br />The project would slightly increase parking <br />zoning designation. <br />demand and traffic on the subject lot, but <br />traffic/circulation and parking impacts would <br />not be adverse. <br />Provides additional recreational <br />opportunities to support recreational growth <br />and improvement for organizations, teams, <br />and adults. <br />P19-0140, 1809 Santa Rita Road, Suite A and B Planning Commission <br />7of8 <br />