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2_Exhibits I-J
City of Pleasanton
2_Exhibits I-J
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6/14/2019 3:57:43 PM
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Alternative would increase energy consumption and decrease energy efficiency, resulting in a <br /> significant and unavoidable impact that would not be found under the Plan. <br /> • Traffic and Transportation: The No Project Alternative would contribute to level of service <br /> impacts at intersections 1 and 7, and queuing impacts at additional intersections. The same <br /> mitigation measures as identified for the proposed Plan for these intersections would be required <br /> to reduce the potential impacts to less than significant.While the No Project Alternative does not <br /> include Plan policies promoting Complete Streets in the planning area, existing policies and the <br /> City's General Plan would serve to ensure that the roadway network in the planning area is <br /> consistent with the Alameda County Congestion Management Plan's (CMP's) goal to develop a <br /> complete streets network.As the bicycle facilities under the 2002 DSP are not consistent with those <br /> contemplated for the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, a plan amendment would be <br /> required to make this impact less than significant with mitigation. Overall, the impact on traffic <br /> and transportation would be lower than under the Plan due to fewer residents and less new <br /> commercial space,but would be less beneficial for bicyclists and pedestrians. <br /> Finding:The City Council finds that this alternative is infeasible in that it would have a more limited ability <br /> to meet the objectives of the Plan and would result in a much lesser degree of improvement to the economic <br /> vitality and character of downtown Pleasanton. This alternative would not increase street connections, <br /> encourage pedestrian or bicycle mobility,or improve transit options to the same extent of the Plan.It would <br /> not meet the objective of providing a vision for the redevelopment of the existing civic center site to provide <br /> a"dynamic mix of community gathering places,retail,entertainment,visitor,residential,and employment <br /> uses" should the civic center relocation be approved by the voters. Furthermore, this alternative would <br /> introduce new potential impacts to paleontological resources and energy consumption and would provide <br /> no significant advantage from an environmental standpoint over the Plan. <br /> Alternative 1:Reconfigured Site Plan Alternative <br /> The Reconfigured Site Plan Alternative represents the relative impacts of alternate circulation options for <br /> the design of the Civic Center site in the event that relocation of existing uses is approved by Pleasanton <br /> voters.Under the Reconfigured Site Plan Alternative,the proposed site plan for the redevelopment of the <br /> civic center site would be modified to extend Peters Avenue to Bernal Avenue and to accommodate a new <br /> parking structure at St. Mary Street and Peters Avenue. The alternative would include all of the policies, <br /> land use designations and changes, and streetscape and other facilities improvements of the Plan. The <br /> Reconfigured Site Plan Alternative would assume the same development standards as the Plan and the same <br /> policy to retain the library building in its current location. Projected development and population at <br /> buildout would be assumed to be the same as the Plan,resulting in 1,640 housing units,4,500 residents,and <br /> 3,500 jobs. <br /> • Air Quality:The Reconfigured Site Plan Alternative would have similar significant impacts to the <br /> Plan in the area of air quality.This alternative would result in the same level of growth as the Plan <br /> and include all Plan policies.The Reconfigured Site Plan Alternative would improve the side-street <br /> LOS at the Old Bernal Avenue at Bernal Court intersection and would be expected to result in a <br /> corresponding reduction in air quality pollutants as compared with the Plan, but would not <br /> substantially reduce ROG emissions associated with automobile exhaust due to the cumulative <br /> nature of air pollutants and a similar VMT at buildout of this Alternative. Therefore, the <br /> Reconfigured Site Plan Alternative would also generate emissions of ROG, PM2.5, and PM10 in <br /> excess of BAAQMD thresholds and result in a significant and unavoidable impact even with <br /> implementation of Mitigation Measures AQ-1 through AQ-4. The Reconfigured Site Plan <br /> Alternative would retain the Plan's land use designations and could have a significant impact on <br /> 21 <br /> 20 <br />(MERV)filters. <br /> 13 <br />